An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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Vegetarian Day
To promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism
Hashtag: #WorldVegetarianDay
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Lincolnshire Day
Lincolnshire Day began in 2006 with a petition to formally recognise the Lincolnshire Rising, a rebellion that began in Yorkshire in October 1536 as a protest against Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries and England’s separation from the Roman Catholic Church
Hashtag: #LincolnshireDay
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Coffee Day
A celebration of the coffee sector’s diversity, quality and dedication
Hashtag: #InternationalCoffeeDay
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Music Day
Promoting the art of music
Hashtag: #InternationalMusicDay
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Fruit At Work Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the food that fuels our busy workday
Hashtag: #FruitAtWorkDay
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Name Your Car Day
Hashtag: #NameYourCarDay
Virus Appreciation Day
Hashtag: #VirusAppreciationDay
Poetry Day (2024 date)
A celebration to encourage everyone to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends
Hashtag: #NationalPoetryDay
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Boyfriend Day
Hashtag: #BoyfriendDay
Techies’ Day
Celebrating these talented people and everything they do to keep computers and other technical gadgets working for us
Hashtag: #TechiesDay
Golf Day
Hashtag: #GolfDay
Smile Day® (2024 date)
Do an act of kindness and help one person smile
Hashtag: #WorldSmileDay
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Animal Day
Uniting the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals
Hashtag: #WorldAnimalDay
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Cinnamon Roll Day
Increasing awareness of Swedish baking traditions, with a particular focus on cinnamon buns, and to increase the consumption of yeast, flour, sugar, and margarine
Hashtag: #CinnamonRollDay
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Improve Your Office Day
Hashtag: #ImproveYourOfficeDay
Plaidurday (2024 date)
A worldwide celebration of plaid
Hashtag: #Plaidurday
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Kid's Music Day (2024 date)
Focussing attention on the importance of including music as part of children's education
Hashtag: #KidsMusicDay
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Storytelling Festival
Hashtag: #StorytellingFestival
Teachers’ Day
Celebrating all teachers around the globe
Hashtag: #WorldTeachersDay
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James Bond Day
Celebrating 007, held on the anniversary date of the World Premiere of the first James Bond film Dr No in 1962
Hashtag: #JamesBondDay
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Card Making Day (2024 date)
Connect with others who love crafting as much as you do
Hashtag: #WorldCardMakingDay
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Come and Take It Day
Hashtag: #ComeAndTakeItDay
Grandparents' Day (2024 date)
Hashtag: #GrandparentsDay
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Cerebral Palsy Day
Aims to bring together people living with cerebral palsy, their families, supporters and organisations
Hashtag: #WorldCerebralPalsyDay
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Inbox Zero Day
Providing tips on how to get your inbox down to zero
Hashtag: #InboxZeroDay
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Frappe Day
Hashtag: #FrappeDay
Architecture Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the contributions that architecture has for society
Hashtag: #WorldArchitectureDay
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Habitat Day (2024 date)
Reflecting on the state of our habitats, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day is also intended to remind the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns
Hashtag: #WorldHabitatDay
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Dickens Day
Celebrating the work of Charles Dickens
Hashtag: #DickensDay #CharlesDickensDay
Octopus Day
Hashtag: #WorldOctopusDay
Dyslexia Day
Hashtag: #WorldDyslexiaDay
Mouldy Cheese Day
Hashtag: #MouldyCheeseDay
Beer And Pizza Day
Paying homage to one of the most iconic food and drink combinations
Hashtag: #BeerAndPizzaDay @BeerAndPizzaDay
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Post Day
Raising awareness of the role of the postal sector in people’s and businesses’ everyday lives and its contribution to the social and economic development of countries. Celebrated on the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union which was established in 1874 in the Swiss Capital, Bern
Hashtag: #WorldPostDay
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Homeless Day
Raising awareness of the needs of people who experience homelessness locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness
Hashtag: #WorldHomelessDay #Homelessness
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Mental Health Day
Raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health
Hashtag: #WorldMentalHealthDay #HelloYellow
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Sight Day (2024 date)
Encouraging employers to make eye health initiatives standard practice and promote eye health habits that will benefit the well-being, safety and productivity of millions of employees
Hashtag: #WorldSightDay #LoveYourEyes
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Cake Decorating Day
Time to get crafting
Hashtag: #CakeDecoratingDay
It's My Party Day
Hashtag: #ItsMyPartyDay
Coming Out Day
Hashtag: #ComingOutDay
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Egg Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the power of the egg
Hashtag: #WorldEggDay @WorldEgg365
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Moment Of Frustration Scream Day
Hashtag: #InternationalMomentOfFrustrationScreamDay
Arthritis Day
Raising awareness across the world of the existence and impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, often referred to as RMDs
Hashtag: #WorldArthritisDay
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Pulled Pork Day
A day celebrating pulled pork
Hashtag: #PulledPorkDay
Music Day (2024 date)
Celebrating music and the benefits it can bring us all
Hashtag: #UniversalMusicDay
Day For Disaster Risk Reduction
Promoting a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction
Hashtag: #DRRDay
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Train Your Brain Day
Raising awareness of the power of the mind and the potential benefits of positive mental training
Hashtag: #TrainYourBrainDay
No Bra Day
Raising awareness of breast cancer by encouraging women to ditch their bra for the day
Hashtag: #NoBraDay
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Be Bald And Free Day
Hashtag: #BeBaldAndFreeDay
Dessert Day
Celebrating our sweet tooth, what's your favourite dessert?
Hashtag: #DessertDay
Allied Health Professions Day
As the third-largest clinical workforce within the health and care, allied health professions (AHPs) play a pivotal role in supporting the NHS Long Term Plan
Hashtag: #AHPCommunity
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Hospice And Palliative Care Day
Celebrating and supporting hospice and palliative care around the world
Hashtag: #WorldHospiceAndPalliativeCareDay
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White Cane Safety Day
Hashtag: #WhiteCaneSafetyDay
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Handwashing Day
Encouraging people around the world to improve their hand washing habits
Hashtag: #GlobalHandwashingDay
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Shwmae Su'mae Day
An opportunity to have fun and share the Welsh language
Hashtag: #ShwmaeSumaeDay
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Dictionary Day
Hashtag: #DictionaryDay
Pronouns Day (2024 date)
Respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace
Hashtag: #InternationalPronounsDay
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Food Day
Raising awareness of hunger and promoting action for the future of food, people and the planet
Hashtag: #WorldFoodDay
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Boss' Day (2024 date)
A day for employees to thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year
Hashtag: #BossDay
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Restart A Heart Day (2024 date)
Raising awareness about cardiac arrest and helping people to learn CPR, giving them lifesaving skills and the confidence to use them
Hashtag: #RestartAHeartDay
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Gaudy Day
Hashtag: #GaudyDay
Trauma Day
Supporting trauma victims and providing education to help provide everyone with preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of having any traumatic incidents
Hashtag: #WorldTraumaDay
Day For The Eradication Of Poverty
Raising awareness of the need to eradicate poverty
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForTheEradicationOfPoverty
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Pasta Day
Celebrating pasta, what's your favourite dish?
Hashtag: #PastaDay
Conflict Resolution Day (2024 date)
Promoting peaceful conflict resolution, fostering understanding, and encouraging collaboration
Hashtag: #ConflictResolutionDay
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No Beard Day
Hashtag: #NoBeardDay
Menopause Awareness Day
Raising awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing
Hashtag: #WorldMenopauseAwarenessDay
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Anti-Slavery Day
Raising awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery
Hashtag: #AntiSlaveryDay
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Evaluate Your Life Day
Offering a time to reflect on our lives with the aim of becoming better versions of ourselves
Hashtag: #EvaluateYourLifeDay
Oxfordshire Day
Celebrating the county on Saint Frideswide's Day
Hashtag: #OxfordshireDay
Brandied Fruit Day
Hashtag: #BrandiedFruitDay
Osteoporosis Day
Worldwide, one in three women and one in five men aged 50 years and over will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and fragile, so that they break easily – even as a result of a minor fall, a bump, a sneeze, or a sudden movement
Hashtag: #WorldOsteoporosisDay #StepUpForBoneHealth
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Chef's Day
Inspiring and educating the next generation about the joys of cooking, healthy eating, and the importance of sustainability
Hashtag: #InternationalChefsDay
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Wear It Pink Day
Raising money to help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support
Hashtag: #WearItPinkDay #WearItPink
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Local Radio Day
Highlighting the value of local radio to the communities they serve
Hashtag: #LocalRadioDay
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Babbling Day
Encouraging people to embrace their inner child and have fun speaking gibberish or invented languages
Hashtag: #BabblingDay
Apple Day
A celebration and a demonstration of the variety we are in danger of losing, not simply in apples, but in the richness and diversity of landscape, ecology and culture too
Hashtag: #AppleDay
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Trafalgar Day
Marking the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, a battle which defined the Age of Sail and which sealed British dominion of the seas for a hundred years
Hashtag: #TrafalgarDay
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Reptile Awareness Day
Reptiles are often the 'forgotten' species when it comes to zoo animal welfare
Hashtag: #ReptileAwarenessDay
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Nut Day
Hashtag: #NutDay
Stammering Awareness Day
Raising awareness about stuttering, a disruption in speech pattern involving disruptions, or dysfluencies, in a person’s speech, but there are nearly as many ways to stutter as there are people who stutter
Hashtag: #InternationalStammeringAwarenessDay
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Mole Day
Celebrating Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10²³), which is a measuring unit in chemistry and encouraging a greater interest in chemistry
Hashtag: #MoleDay
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iPod Day
Celebrating one of our greatest innovations on the anniversary of its introduction in 2001
Hashtag: #iPodDay
Crocs Day
A day to wear your Crocs in the boldest colors possible
Hashtag: #CrocsDay
Bologna Day
Hashtag: #BolognaDay
United Nations Day
Celebrating the official creation of the United Nations on 24 October 1945
Hashtag: #UnitedNationsDay #UNDay
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Punk For A Day Day
Hashtag: #PunkForADayDay
Greasy Foods Day
Celebrating your favourite foods
Hashtag: #GreasyFoodsDay
Northamptonshire Day
Celebrating on the feast day of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, the patron saints of cobblers
Hashtag: #NorthamptonshireDay
Opera Day
Celebrating the value of the art form on the birthday of Georges Bizet and Johann Strauss II, composers of possibly the world’s most famous opera and operetta
Hashtag: #WorldOperaDay
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Champagne Day (2024 date)
Celebrating this drink, often synonymous with New Years Eve
Hashtag: #ChampagneDay
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Pumpkin Day
Celebrating these beloved symbols of Autumn, perhaps the unofficial symbol of October
Hashtag: #PumpkinDay
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Mincemeat Day
Celebrating the long history of mincemeat and encouraging experimentation in recipes old and new alike
Hashtag: #MincemeatDay
Make A Difference Day (2024 date)
What can you do to make a difference?
Hashtag: #MakeADifferenceDay
Sylvia Plath Day
Hashtag: #SylviaPlathDay
Black Cat Day
When the campaign was launched, statistics revealed that black and black-and-white cats took, on average, seven days longer to find a home compared to cats of other colours.
Hashtag: #BlackCatDay
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Cheese Toastie Day
Celebration of one of the nation’s favourite comfort foods – delicious cheese wrapped in a blanket of crispy golden bread and cut into perfectly nostalgic triangles – nothing hits the spot quite like a cheese toastie
Hashtag: #ToastieTogether
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Mother-In-Law Day (2024 date)
Honoring that special woman who brought the love of your life into this world
Hashtag: #MotherInLawDay
Clocks Go Back (2024 date)
The end of British Summer Time
Hashtag: #ClocksGoBack
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Plush Animal Lover's Day
An appreciation day for every stuffed animal where owners give them the extra love and care they deserve
Hashtag: #PlushAnimalLoversDay
Chocolate Day
Recognises one of the world’s favourite tastes and a reason to eat more chocolate!
Hashtag: #NationalChocolateDay
Wild Foods Day
A celebration of wild plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Hashtag: #WildFoodsDay
Animation Day
Celebrating the art of animation
Hashtag: #InternationalAnimationDay
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Hermit Day
Hashtag: #NationalHermitDay
RSPB Feed the Birds Day (2024 date)
A great opportunity to step up your feeding to help garden birds through the cold months ahead
Hashtag: #rspb
Stroke Day
Raising awareness and understanding of stroke with a focus on stroke prevention, symptom awareness and the needs of stroke survivors
Hashtag: #WorldStrokeDay #GreaterThan
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Candy Corn Day
Hashtag: #CandyCornDay
Checklist Day
Celebrating check lists and encouraging us to tick more things off our lists
Hashtag: #ChecklistDay
All Hallows Eve
Hashtag: #Halloween
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Savings Day
Encouraging us all to put away a little of our savings
Hashtag: #WorldSavingsDay
Looking for some spooky recipes for your party? Here's a selection of great recipes.
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