An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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Cashew Day
Celebrating the favourite snacking and party nut
Hashtag: #CashewDay
Eat a Cranberry Day
Celebrating this bittersweet fruit
Hashtag: #EatACranberryDay
Freelancers Day
A celebration of all things freelance, and an opportunity for self-employed people across the country to look to the year ahead
Hashtag: #NationalFreelancersDay
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Espresso Day
Celebrating this complex and concentrated concoction, which got its name thanks to the technology used to make the dark, rich brew, which is 'pressed out' and tailor made 'pronto' for its consumer
Hashtag: #EspressoDay
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