An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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Vegan Day
A celebration for the vegan movement
Hashtag: #WorldVeganDay
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All Saint's Day
Celebration of all the saints of the Church, whether they are known or unknow
Hashtag: #AllSaintsDay
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Deviled Egg Day
A celebration of this way of presenting eggs
Hashtag: #DeviledEggDay
All Soul's Day
A day of prayer and remembrance for the faithful departed
Hashtag: #AllSoulsDay
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Sandwich Day
What's your favourite sandwich?
Hashtag: #NationalSandwichDay
Housewife's Day
Hashtag: #HousewifesDay
Jellyfish Day
Hashtag: #WorldJellyfishDay
Roast Dinner Day
Hashtag: #RoastDinnerDay
Purple Tuesday
Improving the customer experience for disabled people and their families
Hashtag: #PurpleTuesday
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Use Your Common Sense Day
Encouraging more people to use their common sense
Hashtag: #UseYourCommonSenseDay
Guy Fawkes Day
Remembering the failed plot to blow up the Houses of Parliment
Hashtag: #GuyFawkes
Stress Awareness Day
National Stress Awareness Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday of November and aims to identify and reduce your stress.
Hashtag: #StressAwarenessDay
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Tsunami Awareness Day
Tsunamis are rare events but can be extremely deadly
Hashtag: #WorldTsunamiAwarenessDay #GetToHighGround
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Saxophone Day
Hashtag: #SaxophoneDay
Marooned Without A Compass Day
Hashtag: #MaroonedWithoutACompassDay
Day Against Violence And Bullying At School
Encouraging everyone to take a part in preventing online violence for the safety and wellbeing of children and youth
Hashtag: #StopBullying
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Stout Day
Celebrating the iconic beer style, Stout
Hashtag: #StoutDay
Nachos Day
Celebrating this great dish, how do you like your nachos?
Hashtag: #NachosDay
Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day
Hashtag: #BittersweetChocolateWithAlmondsDay
Hug A Bear Day
A day to celebrate by hugging a bear - best to stick to the cuddly bears than a real one
Hashtag: #HugABearDay
Dunce Day
Hashtag: #DunceDay
Town Planning Day
Celebrating how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places where to live, work and play together
Hashtag: #WorldTownPlanningDay #TownPlanningDay #World Urbanism Day
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Cappuccino Day
A day to celebrate with a cappuccino
Hashtag: #CappuccinoDay
Radiography Day
Celebrated on the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays in 1895
Hashtag: #WorldRadiographyDay
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Chaos Never Dies Day
Hashtag: #ChaosNeverDiesDay
British Pudding Day
Celebrating the best of British puddings, including spotted dick, crumble, trifle and Eton Mess
Hashtag: #BritishPuddingDay
Remembrance Sunday
A national opportunity to remember the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life
Hashtag: #LestWeForget
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Vanilla Cupcake Day
A celebration of cake
Hashtag: #VanillaCupcakeDay
Accounting Day
Promoting the profession of accounting and finance
Hashtag: #AccountingDay
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World Science Day For Peace And Development
Highlighting the significant role of science in society and underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives
Hashtag: #WorldScienceDayForPeaceAndDevelopment #WorldScienceDay
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Armistice Day
At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them.
Hashtag: #ArmisticeDay
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Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day
Hashtag: #PizzaWithTheWorksExceptAnchoviesDay
French Dip Day
A celebration of French dips
Hashtag: #FrenchDipDay
Protecting Our Planet Day (2024 date)
Hashtag: #ProtectingOurPlanetDay
Kindness Day
A day encouraging everyone to spread a kindness
Hashtag: #WorldKindnessDay
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Quality Day
Raising awareness of the quality management profession and focuses on the theme of realising your competitive potential
Hashtag: #WorldQualityDay
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Diabetes Day
Raising awareness of Diabetes
Hashtag: #WorldDiabetesDay
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Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
A suggestion to clean out your fridge and get a better understanding of packaging labels
Hashtag: #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay
Steve Irwin Day
Steve Irwin Day is an annual event on 15 November, honouring the life and legacy of Irwin. The date was chosen because it takes place on the birthday of one of Irwin's favourite animals, a tortoise from the Galápagos Islands.[64] Events that take place include people raising money for Wildlife Warriors to help continue Irwin's conservation work,[65][66][67] and employees at Australia Zoo wearing khaki uniforms in Irwin's memory.
Hashtag: #SteveIrwinDay
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I Love To Write Day
Encouraging people of all ages spend time writing
Hashtag: #ILoveToWriteDay
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Raising awareness, sharing knowledge and discussing ways to reduce the burden of COPD worldwide
Hashtag: #WorldCopdDay
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Button Day
Hashtag: #ButtonDay
Day For Tolerance
Raising awareness of the dangers of intolerance
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForTolerance #ToleranceDay #ToDay
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Take A Hike Day
Encouraging everyone to get out for a walk
Hashtag: #TakeAHikeDay
Homemade Bread Day
A celebration of making bread at home
Hashtag: #HomemadeBreadDay
Prematurity Day
Raising awareness of the challenges and burden of preterm birth
Hashtag: #NICUheroes
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Princess Day
Celebrate all things princess on Mickey Mouse's birthday
Hashtag: #NationalPrincessDay
Mickey Mouse Day
Marking the anniversary of Mickey Mouse who first appeared on our screens on this day in 1928
Hashtag: #MickeyMouseDay
Have A Bad Day Day
Hashtag: #HaveABadDayDay
Men’s Day
A global day of observance for every man, woman, girl and boy in the world to come together and celebrate men and boys in all their diversity.
Hashtag: #InternationalMensDay
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Toilet Day
Inspiring action to tackle the global sanitation crisis
Hashtag: #WorldToiletDay
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Children’s Day
A better future, for every child
Hashtag: #WorldChildrensDay
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Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
The aim is to reduce road casualties, offering an opportunity for drawing attention to the scale of emotional and economic devastation caused by road crashes and for giving recognition to the suffering of road crash victims and the work of support and rescue services
Hashtag: #WDoR2023
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Transgender Day Of Remembrance
An annual observance on November 20 that honours the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence
Hashtag: #TransgenderDayOfRemembrance
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Philosophy Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the value of philosophy for the development of human thought, for each culture and for each individual
Hashtag: #WorldPhilosophyDay
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Hello Day
A day to demonstrate the importance of personal communication for preserving peace. Everyone is encouraged to greet at least ten people
Hashtag: #WorldHelloDay
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Television Day
In recognition of the increasing impact television has on decision-making by bringing world attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 November as World Television Day
Hashtag: #WorldTelevisionDay
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Start Your Own Country Day
Hashtag: #StartYourOwnCountryDay
Love Your Freckles Day
Celebrating and flaunting freckles
Hashtag: #LoveYourFrecklesDay
Cashew Day
Celebrating the favourite snacking and party nut
Hashtag: #CashewDay
Stir-up Sunday
A traditional day for home cooks to ‘stir up’ their Christmas pudding on the last Sunday before Advent
Hashtag: #StirUpSunday
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Eat a Cranberry Day
Celebrating this bittersweet fruit
Hashtag: #EatACranberryDay
Freelancers Day
A celebration of all things freelance, and an opportunity for self-employed people across the country to look to the year ahead
Hashtag: #NationalFreelancersDay
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Espresso Day
Celebrating this complex and concentrated concoction, which got its name thanks to the technology used to make the dark, rich brew, which is 'pressed out' and tailor made 'pronto' for its consumer
Hashtag: #EspressoDay
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Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day
Hashtag: #UseEvenIfSealIsBrokenDay
Food Bank Day
Celebrating the good work food banks for society
Hashtag: #FoodBankDayUK @FoodBankDay
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Parfait Day
Hashtag: #ParfaitDay
White Ribbon Day
Ending violence against women and girls
Hashtag: #WhiteRibbonDay #ChangeTheStory
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Shopping Reminder Day
Hashtag: #ShoppingReminderDay
Pins And Needles Day
Hashtag: #PinsAndNeedlesDay
Lancashire Day
Commemorating the day in 1295 when Lancashire first sent representatives to Parliament
Hashtag: #LancashireDay
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Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among most religions after harvests and at other times of the year
Hashtag: #Thanksgiving
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Bedfordshire Day
Celebrating the historic and ceremonial county of Bedfordshire
Hashtag: #BedfordshireDay
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Carers Rights Day (2024 date)
Raising awareness of carers' rights and entitlements, to help carers get the support they need
Hashtag: #CarersRightsDay #CareGiving #SupportCarers #CaringForLovedOnes
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French Toast Day
Hashtag: #FrenchToastDay
Black Friday
Traditionally marks the start of the Christmas shopping season in the United States
Hashtag: #BlackFriday
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Electronic Greetings Day
Hashtag: #ElectronicGreetingsDay
Buy Nothing Day
A 24 hour detox from consumerism and an opportunity for you to tune into the impact we have on the environment through shopping
Hashtag: #BuyNothingDay
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Computer Security Day
Raising awareness about cyber security issues and helping people maintain online security
Hashtag: #ComputerSecurityDay
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St Andrew's Day
Hashtag: #StAndrewsDay
Day Of Remembrance For All Victims Of Chemical Warfare
A tribute to the victims of chemical warfare
Hashtag: #DayOfRemembranceForAllVictimsOfChemicalWarfare
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