An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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Mother Goose Day
Celebrating this imaginary character
Hashtag: #MotherGooseDay
Staffordshire Day
First commemorated in 2016, this day celebrates everything Staffordshire has to offer. Every year on 1st May, Staffordshire comes alive with events of all shapes and sizes across the county, and loads of competitions and special offers.
Hashtag: #StaffordshireDay
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May Day
Celebrating the arrival of summer, a festival of ancient origins with activities including the crowning of a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole
Hashtag: #MayDay
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Workers' Day
A celebration of labourers
Hashtag: #InternationalWorkersDay
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Password Day (2025 date)
A timely reminder for us all to evaluate our passwords
Hashtag: #WorldPasswordDay #PasswordPledge
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Tuba Day (2025 date)
Recognising tubists in musical organisations around the world
Hashtag: #InternationalTubaDay
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Harry Potter Day
Celebrating the wizarding world of Harry Potter
Hashtag: #HarryPotterDay
Tuna Day
Raising awareness about ending overfishing and safeguarding tuna supplies for the future
Hashtag: #WorldTunaDay #BigBlueFuture
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Sauvignon Blanc Day (2025 date)
An invitation to share a digital cheers
Hashtag: #SauvBlancDay #SauvignonBlancDay
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Space Day (2025 date)
Celebrating all things space related
Hashtag: #NationalSpaceDay
St Piran's Day
Celebrating the Patron Saint of Cornwall
Hashtag: #StPiransDay
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Press Freedom Day
Celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom and defend the media from attacks on their independence
Hashtag: #PressFreedomDay
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Wild Koala Day
Celebrating wild koalas and protecting their habitats
Hashtag: #WildKoalaDay
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Leopard Day
Helping saving a spot for Leopards in a rapidly changing world
Hashtag: #LeopardDay #InternationalLeopardDay
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Dawn Chorus Day (2025 date)
Worldwide celebration of nature's greatest symphony. You can always just open your window and listen.
Hashtag: #DawnChorusDay
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Star Wars Day
Celebrating the great movie franchise
Hashtag: #StarWarsDay #MayTheForceBeWithYou #MayThe4thBeWithYou
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Firefighters’ Day
Remembering past firefighters who have died and showing support and appreciation to firefighters
Hashtag: #IFFD #FireFightersDay #InternationalFireFightersDay
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Laughter Day (2025 date)
Encouraging us all to smile and spread some happiness
Hashtag: #WorldLaughterDay #LaughterDay
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Day of the Midwife
Celebrating the midwifery profession
Hashtag: #IDM2023
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Hand Hygiene Day
Raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene in health care
Hashtag: #HandHygieneDay #WorldHandHygieneDay
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African World Heritage Day
Celebrating the Continent's unique cultural and natural heritage
Hashtag: #AfricanWorldHeritageDay
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Beverage Day
Hashtag: #BeverageDay
Asthma Day (2025 date)
Raising awareness of Asthma, organised by the Global Initiative for Asthma
Hashtag: #WorldAsthmaDay
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No Diet Day
An annual celebration of body acceptance
Hashtag: #INDD #International No Diet Day
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Roast Leg of Lamb Day
Hashtag: #RoastLegOfLambDay
Lemonade Day
Teaching youth how to start, own and operate their very own business
Hashtag: #LemonadeDay
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No Socks Day
Hashtag: #NoSocksDay
Day For Staff Networks
Shining a light and recognise the multiple benefits that staff networks/resource groups offer and in so many cases offer their organisation
Hashtag: #MakingWorkBetter #StayingStrong
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VE Day
Marking the official end of World War II
Hashtag: #VEDay
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Ovarian Cancer Day
Raising awareness of ovarian cancer
Hashtag: #WorldOvarianCancerDay
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Red Cross Day
Celebrating the uniqueness and unity of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Hashtag: #WorldRedCrossDay
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Donkey Day
Hashtag: #DonkeyDay #WorldDonkeyDay
Thalassaemia Day
Raising awareness about thalassaemia, a severe blood disease
Hashtag: #InternationalThalassaemiaDay
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Lost Sock Memorial Day
Hashtag: #LostSockMemorialDay
Europe Day
Celebrating peace and unity in Europe
Hashtag: #EuropeDay
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Sleepover Day
Encouraging people to gather with friends and family
Hashtag: #SleepoverDay
Clean Up Your Room Day
Hashtag: #CleanUpYourRoomDay
Lupus Day
Raising awareness about the symptoms and health effects of lupus
Hashtag: #WorldLupusDay
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Train Day (2025 date)
Raising awareness about the advantages of railway travel and the history of trains
Hashtag: #TrainDay
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Fair Trade Day (2025 date)
Raising awareness about Fair Trade projects and the need for a fairer global economy
Hashtag: #WorldFairTradeDay
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Shrimp Day
Hashtag: #ShrimpDay
Twilight Zone Day
Hashtag: #TwilightZoneDay
Eat What You Want Day
Hashtag: #EatWhatYouWantDay
Archery Day
Encouraging us to have a go at this sport
Hashtag: #ArcheryDay
Limerick Day
Hashtag: #LimerickDay
Nurses Day
Celebrating the profession on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth
Hashtag: #InternationalNursesDay
Leprechaun Day
Hashtag: #LeprechaunDay
Cocktail Day
Celebration of cocktails on the anniversary of the first definition of a cocktail published on 13th May 1806
Hashtag: #WorldCocktailDay
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Top Gun Day
Celebrating these great films, time to put those aviators on
Hashtag: #TopGunDay #TopGun
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Apple Pie Day
Hashtag: #ApplePieDay
Dance Like A Chicken Day
Hashtag: #DanceLikeAChickenDay
Receptionists’ Day (2025 date)
Recognition of the importance of a receptionist's role, promoting pride and professionalism amongst receptionists and Give employers an opportunity to shine a light on their receptionists
Hashtag: #IRD2023 #InternationalReceptionistsDay
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Brioche Day
Hashtag: #BriocheDay
Chocolate Chip Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateChipDay
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (2025 date)
Getting everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion
Hashtag: #GAAD #Accessibility
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Bring Flowers To Someone Day
Who needs an excuse to send flowers? This one is an open invitation to send flowers to anyone that you want
Hashtag: #BringFlowersToSomeoneDay
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Wear Purple For Peace Day
Hashtag: #WearPurpleForPeaceDay
Middlesex Day
The date was chosen to reflect the day that the brave men in the Middlesex Regiment fought to stop the advance of the French into Portugal
Hashtag: #MiddlesexDay
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Drawing Day
Encouraging us to get creative and draw something
Hashtag: #DrawingDay
Sea Monkey Day
Celebrating this little creatures
Hashtag: #SeaMonkeyDay
Pizza Party Day (2025 date)
Encouraging us to celebrate the day by eating pizza
Hashtag: #PizzaPartyDay
Endangered Species Day (2025 date)
Raising awareness to protect threatened and endangered species
Hashtag: #EndangeredSpeciesDay
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Pack Rat Day
Hashtag: #PackRatDay
Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Created in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex people, and all of those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics
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Whisky Day (2025 date)
Inviting everyone to try a dram and celebrate the water of life
Hashtag: #WorldWhiskyDay
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Pinot Grigio Day
Celebrating this fine white wine that's actually made from red grapes, typically comes from Italy
Hashtag: #PinotGrigioDay
Hypertension Day
Raising awareness of hypertension / high blood pressure
Hashtag: #HypertensionDay #WorldHypertensionDay
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Museum Day
Raising awareness of the importance of museums, organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Hashtag: #IMD #IMD23 #InternationalMuseumDay
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Visit Your Relatives Day
Hashtag: #VisitYourRelativesDay
Frog Jumping Jubilee Day
Hashtag: #FrogJumpingJubileeDay
Raising awareness to improve life for people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Hashtag: #WorldIBDDay #IBDHasNoAge
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Eliza Doolittle Day
Hashtag: #ElizaDoolittleDay
Human Resources Day
Recognising and celebrating how the HR and people profession together with business have a positive impact both on working lives and business performance
Hashtag: #InternationalHRDay
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Bee Day
Raising awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development
Hashtag: #WorldBeeDay
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Clinical Trials Day
Celebrating the anniversary of the first clinical trial by James Lind in 1747 into the causes of scurvy on board the HMS Salisbury
Hashtag: #InternationalClinicalTrialsDay
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Memo Day
Hashtag: #MemoDay
Waitresses / Waiters Day
Hashtag: #NationalWaitressesDay #NationalWaitersDay
Numeracy Day (2025 date)
Promoting numeracy skills to allow everyone to fulfil their potential? at work, home and school
Hashtag: #NumeracyDay #NationalNumeracyDay
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Meditation Day
Encouraging everyone to focus on themselves
Hashtag: #WorldMeditationDay
Tea Day
Celebrating this great drink that can bring health benefits and wellness with its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and weight loss effects
Hashtag: #TeaDay
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Chardonnay Day
Celebrating the virtues of the Chardonnay grape
Hashtag: #WorldChardonnayDay
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Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day
Hashtag: #BuyAMusicalInstrumentDay
Day For Biological Diversity
Raising awareness about biodiversity and encouraging us all to act urgently to protect biodiversity
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity
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Solitaire Day
Celebrating this traditional card game
Hashtag: #SolitaireDay
Sherlock Holmes Day
Celebrating Sherlock Holmes and the author who created the great character, Arthure Conan Doyle
Hashtag: #SherlockHolmesDay
Penny Day
Hashtag: #PennyDay
Turtle Day
Celebrating and protecting turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world
Hashtag: #WorldTurtleDay
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Escargot Day
Hashtag: #Escargot Day
Tiara Day
Celebrate today by wearing a tiara
Hashtag: #TiaraDay
Schizophrenia Day
Raising awareness and reducing the stigma around this condition
Hashtag: #SchizophreniaDay #WorldSchizophreniaDay
Tap Dance Day
Hashtag: #Tap Dance Day
Northumberland Day (2025 date)
Northumberland Day is an initiative which was launched and championed by Langley Castle Hotel and Restaurant, in Langley-on- Tyne
Hashtag: #NorthumberlandDay
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Towel Day
A tribute to author Douglas Adam and a nod to the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which declares towels as being the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have
Hashtag: #TowelDay
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Wine Day
Raise a glass and celebrate with your favourite type of wine; red, white or rose?
Hashtag: #WineDay
Fish Migration Day
Celebrating free-flowing rivers that help migratory fish across the world
Hashtag: #FishMigrationDay
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Africa Day
Commemorating the foundation of the Organization of African Unity (now referred to as African Unity)
Hashtag: #AfricaDay
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Grey Day
Hashtag: #GreyDay
Kent Day
Celebrating the county of Kent on the feast day of Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury
Hashtag: #KentDay
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Paper Airplane Day
Celebrating how easy it (can be) to make these great little toys
Hashtag: #PaperAirplaneDay
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Dracula Day
Celebrating the publication of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula
Hashtag: #DraculaDay
Body Painting Arts Festival
Hashtag: #BodyPaintingArtsFestival
Hamburger Day
Hashtag: #Hamburger Day
Otter Day (2025 date)
Raising awareness about how important otters are and also highlights the threats that they face
Hashtag: #OtterDay #WorldOtterDay
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Hunger Day
An opportunity for all of us around the world to play our part in ending world hunger
Hashtag: #WorldHungerDay
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Menstrual Hygiene Day
Raising awareness about the challenges of access to menstrual products, education about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities
Hashtag: #MenstrualHygieneDay #MHDay2023
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Blood Cancer Day
Showing support for those with blood cancer
Hashtag: #BloodCancerDay #WorldBloodCancerDay
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End Of The Middle Ages Day
Hashtag: #EndOfTheMiddleAgesDay
Oak Apple Day
A former holiday to commemorate the restoration of the monarchy in May 1660
Hashtag: #OakAppleDay
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Biscuit Day
What's your favourite type of biscuit? Get a brew on and celebrate with your favourite pack
Hashtag: #BiscuitDay
Digestive Health Day
Raising awareness of the importance of a healthy gut
Hashtag: #WorldDigestiveHealthDay #WDHD2023 #YourDigestiveHealth
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My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
Hashtag: #MyBucketsGotAHoleInItDay
Multiple Sclerosis Day
Raising awareness and supporting everyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Hashtag: #MultipleSclerosisDay #WorldMultipleSclerosisDay
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Macaroon Day
Hashtag: #Macaroon Day
No Tobacco Day
Raising awareness of the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies and what people can do to claim their right to healthy living and to protect future generations
Hashtag: #WorldNoTobaccoDay
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Web Designer Day
Celebrating web designers
Hashtag: #WebDesignerDay
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Parrot Day
Raising awareness of the need to protect these remarkable birds in the wild
Hashtag: #WorldParrotDay
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