An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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St David's Day
The patron saint of Wales, celebrated on the date of Saint David's death in 589 AD
Hashtag: #StDavidsDay
Zero Discrimination Day
Promoting equality
Hashtag: #ZeroDiscriminationDay
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Overseas NHS Workers Day
Created by the Doctors’ Association UK to celebrate all the people that have migrated to the UK to support the NHS
Hashtag: #HomeForHeroes
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Self-Injury Awareness Day
Raising awareness about self-injury is incredibly important. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgment and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence.
Hashtag: #SIAD #SelfInjury #SelfHarm
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Seagrass Day
A day to celebrate seagrass meadows
Hashtag: #WorldSeagrassDay
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Compliment Day
Appreciate with words instead of gifts
Hashtag: #WorldComplimentDay
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Wheelchair Day
Celebrating the positive impact a wheelchair has on their lives
Hashtag: #WheelchairDay #InternationalWheelchairDay
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Music Therapy Day
Celebrating the healing power of music
Hashtag: #MusicTherapyDay #WorldMusicTherapyDay
Day Of Unplugging
Encouraging us to step away from technology from sundown tonight until sundown on Saturday evening
Hashtag: #DayOfUnplugging #GlobalDayOfUnplugging
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