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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st March

National days information for 01 March

St David's Day
The patron saint of Wales, celebrated on the date of Saint David's death in 589 AD
Hashtag: #StDavidsDay

Zero Discrimination Day
Promoting equality
Hashtag: #ZeroDiscriminationDay
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Overseas NHS Workers Day
Created by the Doctors’ Association UK to celebrate all the people that have migrated to the UK to support the NHS
Hashtag: #HomeForHeroes
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Self-Injury Awareness Day
Raising awareness about self-injury is incredibly important. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgment and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence.
Hashtag: #SIAD #SelfInjury #SelfHarm
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Seagrass Day
A day to celebrate seagrass meadows
Hashtag: #WorldSeagrassDay
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Compliment Day
Appreciate with words instead of gifts
Hashtag: #WorldComplimentDay
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Wheelchair Day
Celebrating the positive impact a wheelchair has on their lives
Hashtag: #WheelchairDay #InternationalWheelchairDay
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Music Therapy Day
Celebrating the healing power of music
Hashtag: #MusicTherapyDay #WorldMusicTherapyDay

Day Of Unplugging
Encouraging us to step away from technology from sundown tonight until sundown on Saturday evening
Hashtag: #DayOfUnplugging #GlobalDayOfUnplugging
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2nd March

National days information for 02 March

Old Stuff Day
Out with the old, in with the new. Celebrating the ideals of recycling and clearing out in all aspects of life.
Hashtag: #OldStuffDay
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Teen Mental Wellness Day
Aiming to normalise conversations and remove stigmas around mental health issues for teenagers
Hashtag: #TeenMentalWellnessDay #WorldTeenMentalWellnessDay

Information Architecture Day
Encouraging conversations about information architecture
Hashtag: #InformationArchitectureDay #WIAD #WorldIADay #Context #WIAD24
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Rescue Cat Day
Helping save cats, taking them off the streets and giving them a loving home
Hashtag: #RescueCatDay

Banana Cream Pie Day
Hashtag: #BananaCreamPieDay

3rd March

National days information for 03 March

Wildlife Day
Celebrating and raising awareness of the world's wild animals and plants
Hashtag: #WildLifeDay #WorldWildLifeDay
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Hearing Day
Highlighting the importance of integrating ear and hearing care within primary care
Hashtag: #HearingDay #WorldHearingDay #HearingCare
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Writers' Day
Celebrating writers all over the world
Hashtag: #WritersDay #InternationalWritersDay

Irish Whiskey Day
What's your favourite Irish Whiskey?
Hashtag: #IrishWhiskeyDay #InternationalIrishWhiskeyDay

Mulled Wine Day
A lovely way to warm yourself up
Hashtag: #MulledWineDay

Omega-3 Day
Recognising the many health benefits of marine-based omega-3s
Hashtag: #Omega3Day #GlobalOmega3Day

4th March

National days information for 04 March

Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day
A traditional Christian festival to repent of your sins before Lent
Hashtag: #ShroveTuesday #PancakeTuesday #PancakeDay
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Obesity Day
A unified day of action that calls for a cohesive, cross-sector response to the obesity crisis.
Hashtag: #ObesityDay #WorldObesityDay
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Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
Celebrating engineering and the contribution of the world’s engineers for a better, sustainable world
Hashtag: #EngineeringDay #WorldEngineeringDay
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HPV Awareness Day
Raising awareness about human papillomavirus (HPV) which is linked to several kinds of cancer
Hashtag: #HPVAwarenessDay
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5th March

National days information for 05 March

Ash Wednesday
The first day of Lent
Hashtag: #AshWednesday
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St Piran's Day
Feast of Saint Piran is the national day of Cornwall, named after the patron saint of tin miners
Hashtag: #StPiransDay
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Day For Disarmament And Non-Proliferation Awareness
Raising awareness about how disarmament efforts contribute to enhancing peace and security, preventing and ending armed conflicts, and curbing human suffering caused by weapons
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForDisarmamentAndNonProliferationAwareness
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Absinthe Day
Hashtag: #AbsintheDay

6th March

National days information for 06 March

Frozen Food Day
Hashtag: #FrozenFoodDay

Book Day
World Book Day was created by UNESCO on 23rd April 1995 as a worldwide celebration of books and reading.
Hashtag: #WorldBookDay
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Dentist Day
Hashtag: #DentistDay #NationalDentistDay
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Lymphedema Day
Raising awareness about Lymphedema, when lymphatic fluid, a transparent liquid composed of fat, water, salts, and proteins, begins to pool and accumulate in the arms and the legs
Hashtag: #LymphedemaDay #WorldLymphedema Day

7th March

National days information for 07 March

Crown Roast Of Pork Day
Hashtag: #CrownRoastOfPorkDay

Cereal Day
Celebrating the start of the day, what's your favourite cereal?
Hashtag: #CerealDay
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Tartar Sauce Day
Celebrating how this sauce makes a meal much better
Hashtag: #Tartar SauceDay

Employee Appreciation Day
An opportunity for employers to recognise their employees
Hashtag: #EmployeeAppreciationDay
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8th March

National days information for 08 March

Women's Day
Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.
Hashtag: #BreakTheBias #IWD2024
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Proofreading Day
Hashtag: #ProofreadingDay

Genealogy Day
Encouraging us to research our family history
Hashtag: #GenealogyDay

9th March

National days information for 09 March

Meatball Day
Hashtag: #MeatballDay #NationalMeatballDay

Barbie Day
Celebrating this iconic doll
Hashtag: #BarbieDay

DJ Day
A global celebration of DJs
Hashtag: #DJDay #WorldDJDay

10th March

National days information for 10 March

Commonwealth Day
Commonwealth Day is an annual celebration observed by people all over the Commonwealth in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Americas, the Pacific and Europe.
Hashtag: #CommonwealthDay
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Day Of Women Judges
Encouraging more women to consider careers in law enforcement
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfWomenJudges #DayOfWomenJudges #WomenJudgesDay
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Bagpipe Day
Celebrating the world's bagpipes and piping traditions
Hashtag: #BagpipeDay #InternationalBagpipeDay
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11th March

National days information for 11 March

Plumbing Day
Raising awareness of the importance of plumbing in protecting public health
Hashtag: #WorldPlumbingDay
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Worship of Tools Day
Hashtag: #WorshipOfToolsDay

12th March

National days information for 12 March

No Smoking Day
Helping people who want to quit smoking
Hashtag: #NoSmokingDay
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Alfred Hitchcock Day
Hashtag: #AlfredHitchcockDay

Day Against Cyber Censorship
Drawing attention to the ways that governments around the world are deterring and censoring free speech online
Hashtag: #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship
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Plant A Flower Day
Encouraging us to plant a flower
Hashtag: #PlantAFlowerDay

Young Carers Action Day
Supporting and raising awareness of young carers
Hashtag: #YoungCarersActionDay
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13th March

National days information for 13 March

Kidney Day
Highlighting just how big an issue kidney disease is.
Hashtag: #WorldKidneyDay #KidneysMatter
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Jewel Day
Hashtag: #JewelDay

Earmuff Day
Celebrating this great invention that keeps our ears warm
Hashtag: #EarmuffDay

14th March

National days information for 14 March

Potato Chip Day
Hashtag: #PotatoChipDay

Sleep Day
A celebration of sleep and raising awareness of sleep problems.
Hashtag: #WorldSleepDay
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Professional Speakers Celebration Day
Celebrating the inspiring work that professional speakers do
Hashtag: #ProfessionalSpeakersCelebrationDay
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Mathematics Day
Raising global awareness of mathematical sciences which are vital to addressing challenges in areas such as artificial intelligence, climate change, energy and sustainable development, and to improving the quality of life in both the developed and the developing worlds
Hashtag: #MathematicsDay #PiDay
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Learn About Butterflies Day
Encouraging us all to learn a little more about butterflies
Hashtag: #LearnAboutButterfliesDay

Day Of Action For Rivers
Communities around the world come together with one voice to say that rivers matter
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfActionForRivers #DayOfActionForRivers
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15th March

National days information for 15 March

Consumer Rights Day
raising global awareness about consumer rights and needs
Hashtag: #WorldConsumerRightsDay
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Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
Hashtag: #EverythingYouThinkIsWrongDay

16th March

National days information for 16 March

Everything You Do Is Right Day
Hashtag: #EverythingYouDoIsRightDay

Disabled Access Day
Celebrating accessibility and inclusion
Hashtag: #DisabledAccessDay #YouAndSomewhereNew
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Panda Day
Hashtag: #PandaDay

17th March

National days information for 17 March

St Patrick's Day
Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and Bishop in Ireland
Hashtag: #StPatricksDay
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18th March

National days information for 18 March

Recycling Day
Every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out.
Hashtag: #GlobalRecyclingDay
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Awkward Moments Day
A chance to embrace those embarrassing or awkward moments and learn from the past
Hashtag: #AwkwardMomentsDay

19th March

National days information for 19 March

Poultry Day
Hashtag: #PoultryDay

Read To Me Day
Working to build a community where volunteers from around the globe read every ten minutes, 24 hours a day, supporting families by sharing the love of reading
Hashtag: #InternationalReadToMeDay #ReadToMeDay
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Chocolate Caramel Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateCaramelDay

20th March

National days information for 20 March

Oral Health Day
A campaign to reduce the burden of oral diseases.
Hashtag: #WorldOralHealthDay #MouthProud #WOHD22
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Durham Day
Celebrating everything about the county of Durham.
Hashtag: #DurhamDay
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March equinox
Marking the point when the solar point leaves the southern hemisphere
Hashtag: #MarchEquinox StartOfSpring
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Astrology Day
Hashtag: #InternationalAstrologyDay #AstrologyDay

21st March

National days information for 21 March

Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960
Hashtag: #FightRacism
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Comic Relief / Red Nose Day
Fundraising to help bring an end to poverty
Hashtag: #ComicRelief #RedNoseDay
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Day of Forests
The world is losing 10 million hectares of forest each year - about the size of Iceland. Forests are home to about 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, with more that 60,000 tree species.
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfForests
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Down Syndrome Day
Raising awareness about what Down’s syndrome is, what it means to have Down’s syndrome, and how people who have Down’s syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities
Hashtag: #WorldDownSyndromeDay
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Poetry Day
Supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard
Hashtag: #WorldPoetryDay #PoetryDay
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Colour Day
Hashtag: #InternationalColourDay #ColourDay
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22nd March

National days information for 22 March

Water Day
Raising awareness of the importance of groundwater
Hashtag: #WorldWaterDay
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Earth Hour
Campaign to switch off the lights for an hour (8.30pm-9.30pm) and spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet. Organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Hashtag: #EarthHour #BiggestHourForEarth
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Day Of The Seal
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfTheSeal #SealDay

23rd March

National days information for 23 March

Organize Your Home Office Day
Hashtag: #OrganizeYourHomeOfficeDay

Bear Day
Hashtag: #WorldBearDay #BearDay

24th March

National days information for 24 March

Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateCoveredRaisinsDay

Flatmates Day
Hashtag: #FlatmatesDay

Tuberculosis Day
Raising awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of tuberculosis (TB)
Hashtag: #WorldTuberculosisDay #WorldTBDay #TBDay
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25th March

National days information for 25 March

Pecan Day
Hashtag: #PecanDay

Waffle Day
Hashtag: #WaffleDay

Tolkien Reading Day
Encouraging fans to celebrate and promote the life and works of JRR Tolkien by reading your favourite passages
Hashtag: #TolkienReadingDay
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26th March

National days information for 26 March

Spinach Festival Day
Hashtag: #SpinachFestivalDay

Purple Day
Raising awareness for people with epilepsy and to help them realise that they're not alone
Hashtag: #PurpleDay
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Manatee Appreciation Day
Hashtag: #ManateeAppreciationDay

27th March

National days information for 27 March

Joe Day
Hashtag: #JoeDay

Theatre Day
A celebration for those who can see the value and importance of the art form theatre
Hashtag: #WorldTheatreDay
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Whisky Day
Celebrating all forms of whisky from all countries
Hashtag: #InternationalWhiskyDay #WhiskyDay

28th March

National days information for 28 March

Something On A Stick Day
Hashtag: #SomethingOnAStickDay

Black Forest Cake Day
Hashtag: #BlackForestCakeDay

Wear A Hat Day
Raising money to bring hope to brain tumour patients and their families
Hashtag: #WearAHatDay
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Maundy Thursday
Commemorates the washing of the feet (Maundy) and last supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles
Hashtag: #MaundyThursday
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29th March

National days information for 29 March

Festival Of Smoke and Mirrors Day
Hashtag: #FestivalOfSmokeAndMirrorsDay

Mermaid Day
Celebrating these mythical creatures
Hashtag: #InternationalMermaidDay #MermaidDay

Piano Day
Celebrating this musical instrument, held on the 88th day of the year in reference to the 88 keys on a piano
Hashtag: #PianoDay
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30th March

National days information for 30 March

I Am In Control Day
Hashtag: #IAmInControlDay

Mothering Sunday
Celebrating and honouring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society
Hashtag: #MotheringSunday #MothersDay
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Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr or the Festival of Sweets is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan
Hashtag: #EidAlFitr
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Pencil Day
On this date in the year 1858, Hymen Lipman patented what is seen as the first modern pencil; a wooden graphite pencil with a rubber eraser attached to it
Hashtag: #PencilDay

Bipolar Day
Encouraging better understanding about what bipolar is – and isn't – and to banish stigma from the face of the planet, celebrated on the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh who was diagnosed with bipolar after he died
Hashtag: #WorldBipolarDay #BipolarDay
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31st March

National days information for 31 March

Trans Day of Visibility
Celebrating trans and non-binary people and aiming to raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans and non-binary people worldwide.
Hashtag: #TransDayOfVisibility
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Crayon Day
Hashtag: #CrayonDay

Bunsen Burner Day
Honouring the birthday of German chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen
Hashtag: #BunsenBurnerDay

Backup Day
Encouraging us to be prepared against data loss and data theft
Hashtag: #WorldBackupDay #BackupDay
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