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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st June

National days information for 01 June

Dare Day
Hashtag: #DareDay

Dorset Day
The feast day of St Wite (pronounced Wheat-a), a local saint after whom the Dorset flag was originally named
Hashtag: #DorsetDay

Dinosaur Day
Celebration and appreciation of dinosaurs, palaeontology, and our world’s ancient natural history
Hashtag: #DinosaurDay
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Milk Day
Recognising the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector.
Hashtag: #WorldMilkDay #EnjoyDairy
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Reef Awareness Day
Reflecting on the delicate ecosystem of our ocean’s coral reefs
Hashtag: #ReefAwarenessDay #WorldReefAwarenessDay
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Cancer Survivor's Day
Encouraging people living with a history of cancer to connect with each other, celebrate milestones and recognise those who have supported them along the way
Hashtag: #CancerSurvivorsDay
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2nd June

National days information for 02 June

Rocky Road Day
Hashtag: #RockyRoadDay

Fish And Chip Day
Celebrating this great dish and everyone involved in the supply of fish and chips
Hashtag: #FishAndChipDay #NationalFishAndChipDay
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3rd June

National days information for 03 June

Repeat Day
Hashtag: #RepeatDay

Cider Day
Enjoy and celebrate the wide variety of cider!
Hashtag: #WorldCiderDay
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Bicycle Day
Drawing attention to the benefits of using the bicycle — a simple, affordable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation
Hashtag: #WorldBicycleDay
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4th June

National days information for 04 June

Old Maid's Day
Hashtag: #OldMaidsDay

Devon Day
Celebrated on St Petrock’s Day, the patron saint of Devon and the person who the Devon flag is dedicated to
Hashtag: #DevonDay
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Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
To acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfInnocentChildrenVictimsOfAggression
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5th June

National days information for 05 June

Festival Of Popular Delusions Day
Hashtag: #FestivalOfPopularDelusionsDay

Environment Day
Calling for?global solutions to combat plastic pollution
Hashtag: #WorldEnvironmentDay #BeatPlasticPollution
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Sausage Roll Day
Celebrating this glorious snack
Hashtag: #SausageRollDay

6th June

National days information for 06 June

Teacher's Day
Hashtag: #TeachersDay

Applesauce Cake Day
Hashtag: #ApplesauceCakeDay

Donut Day
Hashtag: #DonutDay
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Anniversary of the Normandy landings
Hashtag: #D-Day
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7th June

National days information for 07 June

Chocolate Ice Cream Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateIceCreamDay

Running Day
A celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving
Hashtag: #GlobalRunningDay
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Tourettes Awareness Day
Raising awareness about Tourettes
Hashtag: #InternationalTourettesAwarenessDay
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8th June

National days information for 08 June

Ocean Day
Uniting the world to protect and restore our shared ocean and create a stable climate
Hashtag: #WorldOceanDay
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9th June

National days information for 09 June

Donald Duck Day
Hashtag: #DonaldDuckDay

Coral Triangle Day
Raising awareness of the ocean conservation and protection, especially on the Coral Triangle, the world's epicenter of marine biodiversity
Hashtag: #CoralTriangleDay
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10th June

National days information for 10 June

Yo-Yo Day
Hashtag: #YoYoDay

Wellness Day
Encouraging us to live healthier and better lives
Hashtag: #GlobalWellnessDay
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Gin Day
Celebrating this drink
Hashtag: #WorldGinDay
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Knit In Public Day
Celebrating the passion for knitting
Hashtag: #WorldwideKnitInPublicDay
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11th June

National days information for 11 June

Hug Holiday
Hashtag: #Hug Holiday

King Kamehameha Day
Hashtag: #KingKamehamehaDay

12th June

National days information for 12 June

Machine Day
Hashtag: #MachineDay

Superman Day
Celebrating this great superhero
Hashtag: #SupermanDay

13th June

National days information for 13 June

Juggling Day
Hashtag: #JugglingDay

Axe Throwing Day
Celebrating the art of axe throwing
Hashtag: #InternationalAxeThrowingDay
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14th June

National days information for 14 June

Pop Goes The Weasel Day
Hashtag: #PopGoesTheWeaselDay

Blood Donor Day
Raising awareness of the need for safe blood and to thank blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood
Hashtag: #WorldBloodDonorDay #GiveBlood
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15th June

National days information for 15 June

Smile Power Day
Hashtag: #SmilePowerDay

Father's Day
Father's Day is a holiday of honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society.
Hashtag: #FathersDay
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Wind Day
Discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth
Hashtag: #GlobalWindDay
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Clean Air Day
Every year, air pollution causes?up to?36,000?deaths in the UK.??The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today
Hashtag: #CleanAirDay
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Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Addressing gender-based violence in older age policy, law and evidence-based responses
Hashtag: #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay
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16th June

National days information for 16 June

Hollerin' Contest Day
Hashtag: #HollerinContestDay

Sussex Day
The feast day of St Richard of Chichester, Sussex's patron saint
Hashtag: #SussexDay
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Fudge Day
What's your favourite flavour?
Hashtag: #FudgeDay

17th June

National days information for 17 June

Watergate Day
Hashtag: #WatergateDay

Eat Your Vegetables Day
Hashtag: #EatYourVegetablesDay

Martini Day
Celebration of the Martini, and for bars, brands and everyone to celebrate this wonderful cocktail
Hashtag: #WorldMartiniDay
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18th June

National days information for 18 June

Panic Day
Hashtag: #InternationalPanicDay

Autistic Pride Day
Recognising the importance of pride for autistic people and its role in bringing about positive changes in the broader society
Hashtag: #AutisticPrideDay
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19th June

National days information for 19 June

Sauntering Day
Hashtag: #WorldSaunteringDay

Sickle Cell Day
Shining the light on sickle cell disease to help find a universal cure for sickle cell disease
Hashtag: #WorldSickleCellDay
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20th June

National days information for 20 June

Vanilla Milkshake Day
Hashtag: #VanillaMilkshakeDay

Refugee Day
To honour refugees around the globe
Hashtag: #WorldRefugeeDay
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21st June

National days information for 21 June

Cuckoo Warning Day
Hashtag: #CuckooWarningDay

Shetland Day
Hashtag: #ShetlandDay

Suffolk Day
For several years, the good folk of Suffolk have celebrated all that makes the county great on the longest day of the year
Hashtag: #SuffolkDay
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Surfing Day
Celebrates the sport of surfing, surfing lifestyle, and the sustainability of ocean resources
Hashtag: #InternationalSurfingDay
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Summer Solstice
Occurs on the longest day of the year, often celebrated at Stonehenge
Hashtag: #SummerSolstice
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Selfie Day
A day to celebrate all those selfies you've taken
Hashtag: #SelfieDay

MND Awareness Day
Hashtag: #GlobalMndAwarenessDay #MND #IMNDA
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Reserves Day
Reservists give up their spare time to serve in the Reserve Forces, balancing their civilian life with a military career to ensure that should their country require them, they would be ready to serve as part of the military
Hashtag: #ReservesDay
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22nd June

National days information for 22 June

Chocolate Eclair Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateEclairDay

UK Windrush Day
Marking the anniversary of the arrival of MV Empire Windrush at the Port of Tilbury, near London, on 22 June 1948
Hashtag: #WindrushDay
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Rainforest Day
A global movement for our future with healthy, standing forests on a thriving planet
Hashtag: #WorldRainforestDay
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Positive Media Day
Turning the tide of negativity in the media and on social media with the aim of bringing more positivity into life
Hashtag: #PositiveMediaDay #PostPositive
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23rd June

National days information for 23 June

Pink Day
Hashtag: #PinkDay

Typewriter Day
Celebrating the typewriter on the anniversary of when the inventor Christopher Latham Sholes was granted a patent for his invention
Hashtag: #TypewriterDay

Bring Your Dog To Work Day
Raising money for animal welfare charities
Hashtag: #BringYourDogToWorkDay
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Widows’ Day
Raising awareness about the issues affecting widows around the world and what must be done to safeguard and advance their rights
Hashtag: #InternationalWidowsDay
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Women In Engineering Day
Encouraging more young women and girls to take up engineering careers
Hashtag: #InternationalWomenInEngineeringDay #INWED23
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24th June

National days information for 24 June

Museum Comes To Life Day
Hashtag: #MuseumComesToLifeDay

Upcycling Day
Aiming to grow the upcycled food movement to prevent food from being wasted
Hashtag: #UpcyclingDay

25th June

National days information for 25 June

Log Cabin Day
Hashtag: #LogCabinDay

Goats Cheese Day
Celebrating this great cheese
Hashtag: #GoatsCheeseDay

Beatles Day
Honouring and celebrating the phenomenon and the ideals of the Beatles
Hashtag: #GlobalBeatlesDay #AllYouNeedIsLove
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Day Of The Seafarer
Recognising the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society as a whole
Hashtag: #DayOfTheSeafarer #OceansWorthProtecting
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26th June

National days information for 26 June

Chocolate Pudding Day
Hashtag: #ChocolatePuddingDay

Refrigeration Day
Raising the profile of the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat-pump sector and focuses attention on the significant role that the industry and its technology play in modern life and society
Hashtag: #WorldRefrigerationDay #WREFD23 #NextGenCooling
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Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking
Aiming to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse
Hashtag: #InternationalDayAgainstDrugAbuseAndIllicitTrafficking
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Day In Support Of Victims Of Torture
Calling individuals everywhere to unite in support of the hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have been victims of torture and those who are still tortured today
Hashtag: #InternationalDayInSupportOfVictimsOfTorture
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Islamic New Year
Marks the beginning of a new lunar Hijri year
Hashtag: #IslamicNewYear
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27th June

National days information for 27 June

Columnists Day
Hashtag: #ColumnistsDay

Bingo Day
Celebrating the great game of bingo
Hashtag: #BingoDay
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Sunglasses Day
Celebrating the importance of wearing shades to protect the eyes from the sun’s harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays
Hashtag: #NationalSunglassesDay #SunglassSelfie #SolarFlair
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28th June

National days information for 28 June

Paul Bunyan Day
Hashtag: #PaulBunyanDay

Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets
Hashtag: #ArmedForcesDay #SaluteOurForces
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Body Piercing Day
Hashtag: #InternationalBodyPiercingDay

29th June

National days information for 29 June

Camera Day
Hashtag: #CameraDay

30th June

National days information for 30 June

Meteor Day
Hashtag: #MeteorDay

Wrong Trousers Day
Join the most unique dress-down day of the year – inspired by Wallace & Gromit
Hashtag: #WrongTrousersDay
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Cream Tea Day
Calling on the Great British public to enjoy an online cream from the comfort of their own home, is it jam or cream first?
Hashtag: #CreamTeaDay
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