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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st July

National days information for 01 July

Creative Ice Cream Flavour Day
Hashtag: #CreativeIceCreamFlavourDay

Build A Scarecrow Day
Hashtag: #BuildAScarecrowDay

Reggae Day
Celebration of Jamaican music culture
Hashtag: #InternationalReggaeDay
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Joke Day
Tell us your favourite joke?
Hashtag: #InternationalJokeDay

2nd July

National days information for 02 July

I Forgot Day
Hashtag: #IForgotDay

An opportunity for people to gather together and watch the skies for unidentified flying objects, celebrated on the anniversary of the supposed UFO crash in the 1947 Roswell incident
Hashtag: #WorldUFODay
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3rd July

National days information for 03 July

Stay Out Of The Sun Day
Hashtag: #StayOutOfTheSunDay

Compliment Your Mirror Day
Hashtag: #ComplimentYourMirrorDay

Drop A Rock Day
Encouraging the world to leave painted rocks as random acts of kindness
Hashtag: #DropARockDay #TheKindnessRocksProject
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Plastic Bag Free Day
Encouraging us to reduce the amount of plastic we use
Hashtag: #InternationalPlasticBagFreeDay
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4th July

National days information for 04 July

Country Music Day
Hashtag: #CountryMusicDay

American Independence Day
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.
Hashtag: #AmericanIndependenceDay
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5th July

National days information for 05 July

Workaholics Day
Hashtag: #WorkaholicsDay

Alice's Day
A city-wide celebration of all things Alice In Wonderland in Oxford
Hashtag: #AlicesDay #AliceInWonderland
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76 Years Of The NHS
The National Health Service began on 5 July 1948
Hashtag: #NHS #NHS76
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6th July

National days information for 06 July

Fried Chicken Day
Hashtag: #FriedChickenDay

Kissing Day
Reminding us about the simple pleasures associated with kissing for kissing's sake
Hashtag: #KissingDay
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7th July

National days information for 07 July

Strawberry Sundae Day
Hashtag: #StrawberrySundaeDay

Chocolate Day
A celebration of chocolate, occurring on the date which is suggested as the anniversary of the introduction of chocolate to Europe in 1550
Hashtag: #WorldChocolateDay #ChocolateDay
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8th July

National days information for 08 July

Video Games Day
Hashtag: #VideoGamesDay

9th July

National days information for 09 July

Sugar Cookie Day
Hashtag: #SugarCookieDay

10th July

National days information for 10 July

Clerihew Day
Hashtag: #ClerihewDay

Kitten Day
Celebrating the incredible magic of kittens and encouraging adoption
Hashtag: #KittenDay

Teddy Bear Picnic Day
Hashtag: #TeddyBearPicnicDay

Energy Independence Day
Promoting renewable energy sources in order to make the global economy less dependent on fossil fuels
Hashtag: #GlobalEnergyIndependenceDay

11th July

National days information for 11 July

Cheer Up The Lonely Day
Hashtag: #CheerUpTheLonelyDay

Population Day
Aiming towards a resilient future for all - harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all
Hashtag: #WorldPopulationDay
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Benzodiazepine Day
Raising awareness about the dangers of medically induced benzodiazepine dependency, adverse affects and debilitating withdrawal syndrome that can last years
Hashtag: #WorldBenzodiazepineDay
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12th July

National days information for 12 July

Pecan Pie Day
Hashtag: #PecanPieDay

Skinny Dip Day
Encouraging us to experience body positivity while raising money for a great cause
Hashtag: #SkinnyDipDay

Malala Day
Honouring education activist Malala Yousafzai, the world's youngest Nobel Prize laureate
Hashtag: #MalalaDay
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Simplicity Day
A day dedicated to stepping away from technology and unnecessary stresses
Hashtag: #SimplicityDay
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New Conversations Day
Encouraging people to talk to each other
Hashtag: #NewConversationsDay

13th July

National days information for 13 July

Fool's Paradise Day
Hashtag: #FoolsParadiseDay

French Fry Day
Celebrating French fries
Hashtag: #FrenchFryDay

Rock Day
Celebrating rock music on the anniversary of the Live Aid concert
Hashtag: #WorldRockDay
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14th July

National days information for 14 July

Nude Day
Hashtag: #NudeDay

Shark Awareness Day
Shifting our attitude towards sharks
Hashtag: #SharkAwarenessDay
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15th July

National days information for 15 July

Give Something Away Day
Encouraging us to give something away and bring happiness to someone else
Hashtag: #GiveSomethingAwayDay

Hampshire Day
Celebrating all things Hampshire on St Swithin's Day, who was an Anglo-Saxon bishop of Winchester
Hashtag: #HampshireDay

Be A Dork Day
Hashtag: #BeADorkDay

16th July

National days information for 16 July

Juggling Day
Hashtag: #InternationalJugglingDay

Snake Day
Celebrating snakes and raising awareness about their preservation
Hashtag: #WorldSnakeDay
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Personal Chef Day
If you have a personal chef, then this is the perfect day to do something special for them
Hashtag: #PersonalChefDay
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17th July

National days information for 17 July

Peach Ice Cream Day
Hashtag: #PeachIceCreamDay

Emoji Day
We all use emojis every day, so why not celebrate them?
Hashtag: #WorldEmojiDay
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Justice Day
Recognising the emerging system of international criminal justice
Hashtag: #InternationalJusticeDay #WorldDayForInternationalJustice
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18th July

National days information for 18 July

Caviar Day
Hashtag: #CaviarDay

Nelson Mandela Day
Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better, you're invited to make a difference in your community
Hashtag: #InternationalNelsonMandelaDay #NelsonMandelaDay
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Listening Day
Encouraging everyone to take time to listen to the sounds of nature
Hashtag: #WorldListeningDay
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19th July

National days information for 19 July

Flitch Day
Hashtag: #FlitchDay

Stick Your Tongue Out Day
Raising awareness of tongue cleaning, which can reduce bad breath, fight gum disease, improve sense of taste, remove harmful bacteria and improve gut health
Hashtag: #StickYourTongueOutDay

20th July

National days information for 20 July

Ice Cream Day
Mostly celebrated in the US but why not celebrate it here too?
Hashtag: #IceCreamDay
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Ugly Truck Contest Day
Hashtag: #UglyTruckContestDay

Jump Day
Remembering the event in 2006 that called for us all to jump and change the Earth's orbit
Hashtag: #WorldJumpDay
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Chess Day
Celebrating the game of chess
Hashtag: #InternationalChessDay
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Moon Day
Celebrating the anniversary of the first landing by humans on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 lunar mission
Hashtag: #MoonDay
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Scotch Day
Celebrating this spirit, what mixer do you prefer with yours?
Hashtag: #ScotchDay

21st July

National days information for 21 July

Tug-Of-War Tournament Day
Hashtag: #TugOfWarTournamentDay

Be Someone Day
Challenging each of us to take ten seconds to make a difference in the life of a child
Hashtag: #BeSomeoneDay
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22nd July

National days information for 22 July

Ratcatcher's Day
Commemorating the myth of the Pied Piper of Hamelin
Hashtag: #RatcatchersDay
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Hammock Day
Celebrating the universal symbol for relaxation
Hashtag: #HammockDay

Mango Day
Celebrating this super fun, superfruit with some juicy jams, fun facts, and delicious recipes to try at home
Hashtag: #MangoDay
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23rd July

National days information for 23 July

Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Hashtag: #VanillaIceCreamDay

Sprinkle Day
Celebrate Sprinkles Day by putting sprinkles on everything you can
Hashtag: #SprinkleDay
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24th July

National days information for 24 July

Amelia Earhart Day
Hashtag: #AmeliaEarhartDay

Self Care Day
Raising the profile of healthy lifestyle self-care programmes around the world
Hashtag: #InternationalSelfCareDay

Cousins' Day
A chance to celebrate our cousins
Hashtag: #CousinsDay

Tequila Day
Celebrating this drink
Hashtag: #TequilaDay

25th July

National days information for 25 July

Threading The Needle Day
Hashtag: #ThreadingTheNeedleDay

Schizophrenia Awareness Day
Raising awareness about the challenges faced by hundreds of thousands of people living with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in the UK
Hashtag: #WorldSchizophreniaAwarenessDay
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Hire A Veteran Day
Inspiring employers to recruit and hire veterans by recognising the unique skills and values that veterans bring to the workforce
Hashtag: #HireAVeteranDay
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26th July

National days information for 26 July

All Or Nothing Day
Hashtag: #AllOrNothingDay

Aunt & Uncle Day
Celebrating our aunts and uncles
Hashtag: #AuntAndUncleDay

27th July

National days information for 27 July

Take Your Pants For A Walk Day
Hashtag: #TakeYourPantsForAWalkDay

Norfolk Day
Hashtag: #NorfolkDay
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Love Is Kind Day
Celebrating those who have escaped domestic violence or domestic abuse
Hashtag: #LoveIsKindDay

Creme Brulee Day
Celebrating this delicious dessert
Hashtag: #CremeBruleeDay

28th July

National days information for 28 July

Milk Chocolate Day
Hashtag: #MilkChocolateDay

Hepatitis Day
Raising awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change
Hashtag: #WorldHepatitisDay
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29th July

National days information for 29 July

Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Hashtag: #CheeseSacrificePurchaseDay

Buckinghamshire Day
Celebrating the county on the day to remember the founding of the Paralympic Movement at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, near Aylesbury
Hashtag: #BuckinghamshireDay

Chicken Wing Day
What's your favourite flavour for chicken wings?
Hashtag: #ChickenWingDay #NationalChickenWingDay
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Tiger Day
Learn more about this critically endangered species and what you can do to help them
Hashtag: #InternationalTigerDay
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30th July

National days information for 30 July

Cheesecake Day
Hashtag: #CheesecakeDay

Day Of Friendship
Sharing the human spirit through friendship
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfFriendship
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31st July

National days information for 31 July

Parent's Day
Hashtag: #ParentsDay

Intern Day
An opportunity for thousands of employers to commemorate and thank their hardworking interns
Hashtag: #InternDay
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Refreshment Day
Grab yourself a refreshing drink
Hashtag: #RefreshmentDay

Ranger Day
Achievements across the globe are celebrated, while we also remember those who have lost their lives, or have been injured, in the line of duty
Hashtag: #WorldRangerDay
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Mutt Day
Celebrating the mixed breed dogs who sometimes get overlooked
Hashtag: #MuttDay
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Avocado Day
What's your favourite avocado recipe?
Hashtag: #AvocadoDay

Are we missing an entry? Let us know.

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