An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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White Tee-Shirt Day
Commemorating those working in the motor trade, celebrated on the anniversary of the end of the Flint sit down strike in 1937
Hashtag: #WhiteShirtDay
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Promoting a positive attitude for when things don't go as planned
Hashtag: #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay
Day of Women and Girls in Science
Over the past decades, the global community has made a lot of effort in inspiring and engaging women and girls in science. Yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science.
Hashtag: #February11
More information
Get Out Your Guitar Day
A day to celebrate the humble guitar
Hashtag: #GetOutYourGuitarDay
Latte Day
Celebrate the day with a nice cup of latte
Hashtag: #LatteDay
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