An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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Time To Talk Day (2025 date)
Take action to change attitudes towards people with mental health problems
Hashtag: #TimeToTalk
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Optimist Day (2025 date)
A day for everyone that wants to be positive
Hashtag: #OptimistDay
Pay A Compliment Day
Encouraging us all to be nice to each other and pay a compliment
Hashtag: #PayAComplimentDay
Frozen Yogurt Day
What's your favourite flavour?
Hashtag: #FrozenYogurtDay
Zero Tolerance To FGM Day
Aims to accelerate the elimination of female genital mutilation
Hashtag: #ZeroToleranceToFGMDay #MenEndFGM
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Safer Internet Day
Raising awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people
Hashtag: #SaferInternetDay
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