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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st February

National days information for 01 February

Hijab Day
Recognising the millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty
Hashtag: #WorldHijabDay
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Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
Founded in the 1960s by Florence Rappaport in New York to entertain her children on a cold snowy day
Hashtag: #IceCreamForBreakfastDay
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Introvert Day
Raising awareness to better understand and appreciate introverts
Hashtag: #World Introvert Day
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Change Your Password Day
An annual reminder that we should change our passwords at least once a year
Hashtag: #ChangeYourPasswordDay

Baked Alaska Day
Treat yourself to the yummy dessert made of ice cream, sponge cake and meringue
Hashtag: #BakedAlaskaDay

Dark Chocolate Day
Enjoy the health and happiness that dark chocolate brings as well as paying homage to the history and cultural significance surrounding this yummy treat
Hashtag: #DarkChocolateDay

Take Your Child To The Library Day
A perfect day to discover some library magic
Hashtag: #TakeYourChildToTheLibraryDay
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2nd February

National days information for 02 February

Wetlands Day
Raising awareness about wetlands, celebrated on the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, which was adopted as an international treaty in 1971
Hashtag: #WorldWetlandsDay
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Yorkshire Pudding Day
Celebrating this great addition to any roast
Hashtag: #YorkshirePuddingDay

Commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ
Hashtag: #CandlemasDay #Candlemas
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Groundhog Day
Based on superstition that if a groundhog emerges and returns to its den, winter will continue for another six weeks otherwise spring will arrive early
Hashtag: #GroundhogDay
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Ukulele Day
A chance for ukulele to strum their favourite tunes
Hashtag: #UkuleleDay #WorldUkuleleDay

3rd February

National days information for 03 February

Carrot Cake Day
Celebrating this delicious cake
Hashtag: #CarrotCakeDay

Sickie Day
Statistically this is when most people will phone in sick to work using a range of different excuses to take the day off. Having a cold or flu are the most popular excuses given for taken the day off, but it is telling that these are ‘excuses’, which suggests that maybe they are not as true as employees would have their bosses believe.
Hashtag: #SickieDay
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Golden Retriever Day
A day to celebrate these cuddly friends
Hashtag: #GoldenRetrieverDay

Missing Persons Day
Shining a light on the thousands of people who go missing each year
Hashtag: #MissingPersonsDay

Feed The Birds Day
Raising awareness of the extra help birds need right before spring, when their winter stores of food start running out
Hashtag: #FeedTheBirdsDay
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4th February

National days information for 04 February

Cancer Day
Raising worldwide awareness, improving education and catalysing personal, collective and government action, we are all working together to reimagine a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equitable for all
Hashtag: #WorldCancerDay
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Homemade Soup Day
Encouraging us all to try a homemade soup
Hashtag: #HomemadeSoupDay

Day Of Human Fraternity
Raising awareness of the valuable contribution of people of all religions, or beliefs, to humanity and the contribution that dialogue among all religious groups can make towards an improved awareness and understanding of the common values shared by all humankind
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfHumanFraternity
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5th February

National days information for 05 February

Nutella® Day
Celebrating the spreadable chocolate, started in 2007 by an American blogger who loves Nutella
Hashtag: #WorldNutellaDay
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Chocolate Fondue Day
A day to enjoy dipping your favourite sweets into chocolate
Hashtag: #ChocolateFondueDay

6th February

National days information for 06 February

Time To Talk Day
Take action to change attitudes towards people with mental health problems
Hashtag: #TimeToTalk
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Optimist Day
A day for everyone that wants to be positive
Hashtag: #OptimistDay

Pay A Compliment Day
Encouraging us all to be nice to each other and pay a compliment
Hashtag: #PayAComplimentDay

Frozen Yogurt Day
What's your favourite flavour?
Hashtag: #FrozenYogurtDay

Zero Tolerance To FGM Day
Aims to accelerate the elimination of female genital mutilation
Hashtag: #ZeroToleranceToFGMDay #MenEndFGM
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Safer Internet Day
Raising awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people
Hashtag: #SaferInternetDay
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7th February

National days information for 07 February

Wear Red Day
Rock the red on the first Friday in Feb to help raise vital awareness of congenital heart disease and much-needed funds for local heart warriors and their families
Hashtag: #WearRedDay
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Periodic Table Day
Celebrating this organisation of elements, with one of the first tables published by English scientist John Newlands in 1863
Hashtag: #PeriodicTableDay
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Reclaim Social
There's too much negativity on social media nowadays. Let's reclaim social media for good.
Hashtag: #ReclaimSocial
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Bubblegum Day
A favourite in America where people donate money to charity in exchange for chewing gum
Hashtag: #BubblegumDay

Read Aloud Day
Encouraging us all to share stories
Hashtag: #WorldReadAloudDay #ReadAloudDay

Rose Day
Celebrating this great flower on the week before Valentine's day
Hashtag: #RoseDay

Send A Card To A Friend Day
Why not cheer up a friend by sending them a card through the post
Hashtag: #Send A Card To A Friend Day

Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Raising awareness about how HIV disproportionately affects Black people
Hashtag: #BlackHIVAIDSAwarenessDay

8th February

National days information for 08 February

Kite Flying Day
Hashtag: #KiteFlyingDay

Potato Lovers Day
A day to celebrate potatoes
Hashtag: #PotatoLoversDay

9th February

National days information for 09 February

Toothache Day
A day to encourage us all to take better care of our teeth. Some top tips:- Get your teeth checked regularly by a dentist- Cut down on sugary foods and drinks- Brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes- Clean between your teeth using floss or an interdental brush every day
Hashtag: #ToothacheDay

Pizza Day
Celebrating this culinary delight, what's your favourite topping?
Hashtag: #PizzaDay
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Read In The Bath Day
Unwind and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life by reading a book while you enjoy a soak in the bath
Hashtag: #ReadInTheBathDay

Develop Alternative Vices Day
Encouraging us to ditch our bad habits and focus on something more positive
Hashtag: #DevelopAlternativeVicesDay

Autism Sunday
Celebrating the lives of all people with autism
Hashtag: #AutismSunday
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10th February

National days information for 10 February

Umbrella Day
Hashtag: #UmbrellaDay

Welsh Language Music Day
Welsh Language Music Day celebrates all forms of Welsh Language music. Whether you’re into indie, rock, punk, funk, folk, electronica, hip hop or anything else, there’s incredible music being made in the Welsh language for you to discover.
Hashtag: #Miwsig
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Epilepsy Day
Promoting awareness on epilepsy
Hashtag: #InternationalEpilepsyDay #EpilepsyDay
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Pulses Day
Celebrating the dry edible seeds of plants called pulses
Hashtag: #WorldPulsesDay #PulsesDay

Cribbage Day
Celebrating this popular game
Hashtag: #InternationalCribbageDay #CribbageDay

Clean Out Your Computer Day
Encouraging us to take the time out to clear out our computers to help improve their speed
Hashtag: #CleanOutYourComputerDay

11th February

National days information for 11 February

White Tee-Shirt Day
Commemorating those working in the motor trade, celebrated on the anniversary of the end of the Flint sit down strike in 1937
Hashtag: #WhiteShirtDay

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Promoting a positive attitude for when things don't go as planned
Hashtag: #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay

Day of Women and Girls in Science
Over the past decades, the global community has made a lot of effort in inspiring and engaging women and girls in science. Yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science.
Hashtag: #February11
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Get Out Your Guitar Day
A day to celebrate the humble guitar
Hashtag: #GetOutYourGuitarDay

Latte Day
Celebrate the day with a nice cup of latte
Hashtag: #LatteDay

12th February

National days information for 12 February

Plum Pudding Day
Hashtag: #PlumPuddingDay

Darwin Day
Commemorating the birthday of Charles Darwin to highlight Darwin's contributions to science and to promote science in general
Hashtag: #DarwinDay
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13th February

National days information for 13 February

Get A Different Name Day
Hashtag: #GetADifferentNameDay

Radio Day
Celebrating the media that reaches the largest audience across the world
Hashtag: #WorldRadioDay
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Self Love Day
Encouraging us to look after ourselves
Hashtag: #SelfLoveDay

Tortellini Day
Celebrating stuffed pasta
Hashtag: #TortelliniDay

Cheddar Day
Celebrating this delicious cheese
Hashtag: #CheddarDay

14th February

National days information for 14 February

Valentine's Day
The traditional romantic day of the year, celebrated on St Valentine's Day
Hashtag: #ValentinesDay

Cream Filled Chocolates Day
Celebrating this delicious treat, what's your favourite flavour?
Hashtag: #CreamFilledChocolatesDay

Library Lovers' Day
Promoting a deep passion for books and to show appreciation for the people who care for them
Hashtag: #LibraryLoversDay

Ferris Wheel Day
Celebrating Ferris Wheels on the anniversary of the birth of George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr, the man who invented the Ferris Wheel
Hashtag: #FerrisWheelDay

Book Giving Day
Encouraging us to give a book to someone else to read
Hashtag: #BookGivingDay
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15th February

National days information for 15 February

Gum Drop Day
Hashtag: #GumDropDay

Childhood Cancer Day
Raising awareness about childhood cancer and supporting children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families
Hashtag: #ChildhoodCancerDay #InternationalChildhoodCancerDay
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Hippo Day
Celebrating and appreciating these mud-loving mammals, in the hope that they'll be around for many more years to come
Hashtag: #HippoDay

Red Sock Day
Raising awareness of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD); plaque build-up in mainly the leg arteries
Hashtag: #RedSockDay
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16th February

National days information for 16 February

Do A Grouch A Favor Day
Hashtag: #DoAGrouchAFavorDay

Almond Day
Celebrating this nutty snack and its health benefits
Hashtag: #AlmondDay
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Whale Day
A celebration of whales and other marine mammals
Hashtag: #WhaleDay #WorldWhaleDay

17th February

National days information for 17 February

Champion Crab Races Day
Hashtag: #ChampionCrabRacesDay

Random Acts of Kindness Day
Hashtag: #RandomActsofKindnessDay
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Cabbage Day
Celebrating this humble vegetable that has been a staple of our dishes for many years
Hashtag: #CabbageDay

Cafe au Lait Day
Celebrating this milky coffee
Hashtag: #CafeAuLaitDay

18th February

National days information for 18 February

Drink Wine Day
Celebrating our love for and the health benefits of wine
Hashtag: #DrinkWineDay

Battery Day
Celebrating this great invention of the birthday of Alessandro Volta who is credited as inventing the battery
Hashtag: #BatteryDay

Thumb Appreciation Day
A day to appreciate our thumbs
Hashtag: #ThumbAppreciationDay

Pluto Day
Celebrating the discovery of this (once) planet
Hashtag: #PlutoDay

19th February

National days information for 19 February

Chocolate Mint Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateMintDay

Tug Of War Day
Celebrating this great team game
Hashtag: #TugOfWarDay #InternationalTugOfWarDay

Prevent Plagiarism Day
Highlighting the risks of stealing other people's work
Hashtag: #PreventPlagiarismDay

20th February

National days information for 20 February

Hoodie Hoo Day
Hashtag: #HoodieHooDay

Love Your Pet Day
Encouraging everyone to give extra attention to their pets (as if you needed an excuse)
Hashtag: #LoveYourPetDay

Day Of Social Justice
Recognising that social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations
Hashtag: #SocialJusticeDay #WorldDayOfSocialJustice
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Handcuffs Day
Marking the anniversary of the patent granted to George A Carney for a revolutionary new style of handcuffs
Hashtag: #HandcuffsDay

Clean Out Your Bookcase Day
Encouraging us to tidy up and clear out our bookcases
Hashtag: #CleanOutYourBookcaseDay

21st February

National days information for 21 February

Card Reading Day
Hashtag: #CardReadingDay

Mother Language Day
Promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism
Hashtag: #MotherLanguageDay #InternationalMotherLanguageDay
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Sticky Bun Day
Celebrate today with a delicious treat
Hashtag: #StickyBunDay

22nd February

National days information for 22 February

Scouts Founders Day
A day when all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (and also celebrated by Scout and Guide organizations around the world) to think about their sisters (and brothers) in all the countries of the world. Celebrated on the joint birthday of Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell and of Olave Baden-Powell, his wife and World Chief Guide
Hashtag: #ScoutsFoundersDay #GoodForYou #WorldThinkingDay
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Doughnut Day
Celebrating this great snack
Hashtag: #DoughnutDay

Encephalitis Day
Global awareness day for people who have been directly or indirectly affected by encephalitis
Hashtag: #WorldEncephalitisDay #Red4WED

Walking The Dog Day
A reminder of the importance of walking your dog
Hashtag: #WalkingTheDogDay

Be Humble Day
A day to let your actions speak louder than your voice
Hashtag: #BeHumbleDay

Margarita Day
Celebrating this colourful drink
Hashtag: #MargaritaDay

Supermarket Employee Day
A time for the food industry to recognise employees at every level for the work they do feeding families and enriching lives
Hashtag: #SupermarketEmployeeDay
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Cook A Sweet Potato Day
Encouraging us to enjoy sweet potatoes
Hashtag: #CookASweetPotatoDay

Open That Bottle Night
Encouraging us to enjoy those special bottles of wine we've bought but never drunk
Hashtag: #OpenThatBottleNight

23rd February

National days information for 23 February

Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Hashtag: #InternationalDogBiscuitAppreciationDay #DogBiscuitDay #Yuk

Shropshire Day
Hashtag: #ShropshireDay

Banana Bread Day
Encouraging us to enjoy this delicious treat
Hashtag: #BananaBreadDay

24th February

National days information for 24 February

Tortilla Chip Day
Hashtag: #TortillaChipDay

Bartender Day
A day to appreciate the staff in your local bar
Hashtag: #BartenderDay #WorldBartenderDay

25th February

National days information for 25 February

Chocolate Covered Nut Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateCoveredNutDay

Spay Day
Advocating spaying (neutering) to reduce the number of community cats and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street
Hashtag: #WorldSpayDay
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Let's All Eat Right Day
Encouraging us all to eat healthily, marked on the birthday of Adelle Davis to celebrate her work on nutrition
Hashtag: #LetsAllEatRightDay

Quiet Day
Encouraging us to take a pause and appreciate the sound of silence
Hashtag: #QuietDay #Shh

26th February

National days information for 26 February

Pistachio Day
Hashtag: #PistachioDay

Set A Good Example Day
Encouraging us all to be good and set a good example to others
Hashtag: #SetAGoodExampleDay

Tell A Fairy Tale Day
Encouraging us to read and listen to fairy tale stories from around the world
Hashtag: #TellAFairyTaleDay

27th February

National days information for 27 February

Polar Bear Day
Hashtag: #PolarBearDay #InternationalPolarBearDay

Chili Day
A day to enjoy chili con carne
Hashtag: #ChiliDay

Pokémon Day
A day to celebrate everything Pokémon and often used by the company for new announcements
Hashtag: #PokémonDay #PokemonDay

The Big Breakfast Day
Encouraging us to slow down and enjoy the most important meal of the day
Hashtag: #TheBigBreakfastDay

Strawberry Day
A day to enjoy this delicious red fruit
Hashtag: #StrawberryDay

Retro Day
A day to celebrate all things retro
Hashtag: #RetroDay

Recognising and celebrating all non-governmental and nonprofit organizations, and the people behind them
Hashtag: #NGOday #WorldNGOday

28th February

National days information for 28 February

Public Sleeping Day
Hashtag: #PublicSleepingDay

Stand Up To Bullying Day
One of two days in the year to stand up against bullying, encouraging us to wear pink to show support
Hashtag: #StandUpToBullyingDay #InternationalStandUpToBullyingDay
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Scouse Day
An annual celebration of the city of Liverpool
Hashtag: #GlobalScouseDay #ScouseDay #Liverpool
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Chocolate Souffle Day
Who doesn't need an excuse to eat cake?
Hashtag: #ChocolateSouffleDay

Inconvenience Yourself Day
A day of going out of your way and putting others first
Hashtag: #InconvenienceYourselfDay

RSI Awareness Day
Raising awareness about Repetitive Strain Injury
Hashtag: #RSIAwarenessDay #InternationalRSIAwarenessDay

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