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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st December

National days information for 01 December

Prisoners for Peace Day
Demonstrate your support for those individuals and their movements, by writing to those whose freedom has been taken away from them because of their work for peace
Hashtag: #PrisonersForPeaceDay
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An opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness.
Hashtag: #RockTheRibbon
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Eat A Red Apple Day
Hashtag: #Eat A Red Apple Day

Day Without Art
Art institutions and other organizations organize programs to raise awareness of AIDS, remember people who have died, and inspire positive action
Hashtag: #DayWithoutArt
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Cyber Monday
A marketing term for e-commerce transactions on the Monday after Thanksgiving
Hashtag: #CyberMonday
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Walt Disney Day
Celebrating the man who has brought love, friendship, and happiness to children all around the world
Hashtag: #WaltDisneyDay

2nd December

National days information for 02 December

Fritters Day
Hashtag: #FrittersDay

Day For The Abolition Of Slavery
Eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, such as trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForTheAbolitionOfSlavery
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Giving Tuesday
A day that encourages people to do good
Hashtag: #GivingTuesday
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3rd December

National days information for 03 December

Purple Light Up
Celebrates and draws attention to the economic contribution of the 386 million disabled employees around the world.
Hashtag: #PurpleLightUp
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Fuel Poverty Awareness Day
Raising awareness of the problem, call for greater action, and highlight the existing help and support available
Hashtag: #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay

Roof Over Your Head Day
Raising awareness about homelessness
Hashtag: #RoofOverYourHeadDay

Day Of People With Disabilities
Protecting the rights and dignity of people with disabilities
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfPeopleWithDisabilities
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4th December

National days information for 04 December

Elf Day (2024 date)
Dress up, unleash your inner elf and spread some festive cheer to raise money for people affected by dementia and their families
Hashtag: #ElfDay
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Wear Brown Shoes Day
Hashtag: #WearBrownShoesDay

Cookie Day
Celebrating this sweet treat, what's your favourite flavour?
Hashtag: #CookieDay

5th December

National days information for 05 December

Volunteer Day
Recognise and promote the tireless work of volunteers across the globe
Hashtag: #VolunteerNow #IVD2023
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Ninja Day
Recognising the fascination associated with the history and pop culture of the ninja
Hashtag: #InternationalNinjaDay

Bathtub Party Day
Encouraging us to skip the shower and spend time relaxing in the bath
Hashtag: #BathtubPartyDay

6th December

National days information for 06 December

Gazpacho Day
Hashtag: #GazpachoDay

Bartender Appreciation Day (2024 date)
Appreciating bartenders and the work they do
Hashtag: #BartenderAppreciationDay

Pawnbrokers Day
Paying tribute to a profession that provides a valuable service for their clients
Hashtag: #PawnbrokersDay

Miner's Day
Marking the anniversary of the worst mining accident in history in 1907
Hashtag: #MinersDay

7th December

National days information for 07 December

Cotton Candy Day
Hashtag: #CottonCandyDay

Small Business Saturday (2024 date)
Highlights small business success and encourages consumers to #ShopLocal and support small businesses in their communities
Hashtag: #SmallBizSatUK
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Civil Aviation Day
Helping to generate and reinforce worldwide awareness of the importance of international civil aviation to social and economic development
Hashtag: #InternationalCivilAviationDay #CivilAviationDay
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Tree Dressing Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the leafy friends we all have in common
Hashtag: #TreeDressingDay
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Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Remembering and honouring the 2,403 Americans who were killed in the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941
Hashtag: #PearlHarborRemembranceDay
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8th December

National days information for 08 December

Take It In The Ear Day
Hashtag: #TakeItInTheEarDay

Brownie Day
Celebrating all the greatness of the goey chocolate heaven
Hashtag: #BrownieDay

Lard Day
Observes the use of lard in diets and aiming to educate people about its health benefits
Hashtag: #LardDay

Pretend To Be A Time Traveller Day
Something a little fun, pretending to be a time traveller for the day
Hashtag: #PretendToBeATimeTravellerDay #BackToTheFuture

Choral Day (2024 date)
Sharing the values of solidarity, peace, and understanding
Hashtag: #ChoralDay
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9th December

National days information for 09 December

Pastry Day
Hashtag: #PastryDay

Celebration Of Charity (2024 date)
Celebrating the great work that charities do
Hashtag: #UKCharityWeek
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Christmas Card Day
Celebrating the anniversary of the first commercial Christmas card, which was created in England by Sir Henry Cole in 1843
Hashtag: #ChristmasCardDay

10th December

National days information for 10 December

Give 5 Day (2024 date)
Encouraging people to donate 5 of something to their favourite cause; be that £5, 5 items to the local charity shop, 5 hours of volunteering or even five social media posts
Hashtag: #UKCharityWeek
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Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status
Hashtag: #HumanRightsDay
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11th December

National days information for 11 December

Noodle Ring Day
Hashtag: #NoodleRingDay

Big Bake (2024 date)
An opportunity to do some baking with loved ones, friends or family
Hashtag: #UKCharityWeek
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Mountain Day
Highlighting the importance of sustainable mountain development
Hashtag: #InternationalMountainDay
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12th December

National days information for 12 December

Christmas Jumper Day (2024 date)
Put on your Christmas jumpers and donate to Save the Children
Hashtag: #ChristmasJumperDay
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Ding-A-Ling Day
An opportunity to reconnect with someone you've lost touch with over the year
Hashtag: #DingALingDay

Gingerbread Decorating Day
Time to get decorating gingerbread
Hashtag: #GingerbreadDecoratingDay

Poinsettia Day
Celebrating the beautiful plant that's become associated with Christmas
Hashtag: #PoinsettiaDay
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Workplace Day Of Remembrance
A time to remember everyone who lost their lives at work
Hashtag: #WorkplaceDayOfRemembrance
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Day Of Neutrality
Promoting the principles of neutrality in international relations
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfNeutrality
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13th December

National days information for 13 December

Cocoa Day
Celebrating this delicious drink - not to get confused with hot chocolate of course!
Hashtag: #CocoaDay

Volunteers' Day (2024 date)
Celebrating the great work that volunteers do across the country
Hashtag: #VolunteersDay #UKCharityWeek
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Violin Day
Celebrating this great stringed instrument
Hashtag: #ViolinDay

14th December

National days information for 14 December

Bouillabaisse Day
Giving seafood lovers the chance to celebrate this stew-like dish
Hashtag: #BouillabaisseDay

Monkey Day
Celebrating monkeys and other non-human primates such as apes, tarsiers and lemurs
Hashtag: #MonkeyDay
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Roast Chestnuts Day
Celebrate with some delicious and nutritious roasted chestnuts
Hashtag: #RoastChestnutsDay

15th December

National days information for 15 December

Lemon Cupcake Day
Hashtag: #LemonCupcakeDay

Cat Herder's Day
If you can say that your job, or even your life, is like trying to herd cats, then this day is for you
Hashtag: #CatHerdersDay
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Underdog Day
Cheering on the teams and individuals who are statistically expected to lose in competitions
Hashtag: #UnderdogDay

16th December

National days information for 16 December

Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Hashtag: #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay

Day Of Reconciliation
Fostering reconciliation and national unity for South Africa since 1995, after the end of apartheid
Hashtag: #DayOfReconciliation
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17th December

National days information for 17 December

Maple Syrup Day
Hashtag: #MapleSyrupDay

Wright Brothers Day
Celebrating the first successful flights in a heavier-than-air, mechanically propelled airplane, the Wright Flyer
Hashtag: #WrightBrothersDay
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18th December

National days information for 18 December

Twin Day
Hashtag: #TwinDay

Bake Cookies Day
A chance to get baking! What is your favourite flavour of cookies?
Hashtag: #BakeCookiesDay

Arabic Languages Day
One of the most widely spoken languages in the world, used daily by more than 400 million people
Hashtag: #WorldArabicLanguagesDay
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Migrants Day
Recognising the important contribution of migrants while highlighting the challenges they face
Hashtag: #InternationalMigrantsDay
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19th December

National days information for 19 December

Oatmeal Muffin Day
Hashtag: #OatmealMuffinDay

Look For An Evergreen Day
An appreciation for evergreens
Hashtag: #LookForAnEvergreenDay

20th December

National days information for 20 December

Games Day
Hashtag: #GamesDay

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (2024 date)
A chance to bring out that Christmas jumper you've always wanted to wear
Hashtag: #UglyChristmasSweaterDay
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Go Carolling Day
Encouraging us to sing cheerful tunes and spread holiday joy with friends and family
Hashtag: #GoCarollingDay

Sangria Day
Celebrating the traditional Spanish drink
Hashtag: #SangriaDay

21st December

National days information for 21 December

Look At The Bright Side Day
Hashtag: #LookAtTheBrightSideDay

Flashlight Day
Hashtag: #FlashlightDay

Humbug Day
A day to celebrate not being happy
Hashtag: #HumbugDay

22nd December

National days information for 22 December

Winter Solstice
The shortest day of the year
Hashtag: #WinterSolstice
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Date-Nut Bread Day
Hashtag: #DateNutBreadDay

23rd December

National days information for 23 December

Roots Day
Encouraging families to delve into their family history, heritage, and ancestry
Hashtag: #RootsDay

An alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season
Hashtag: #Festivus
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24th December

National days information for 24 December

Christmas Eve
Hashtag: #ChristmasEve

Eggnog Day
A day to celebrate this drink
Hashtag: #EggnogDay

25th December

National days information for 25 December

Christmas Day
Hashtag: #MerryChristmas

26th December

National days information for 26 December

Boxing Day
Hashtag: #BoxingDay

Candy Cane Day
Celebrating this festive treat
Hashtag: #CandyCaneDay

27th December

National days information for 27 December

Fruitcake Day
Hashtag: #FruitcakeDay

Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
A fun activity for family and friends
Hashtag: #MakeCutOutSnowflakesDay

28th December

National days information for 28 December

Card Playing Day
Hashtag: #CardPlayingDay

Call A Friend Day
A day to combat loneliness over the festive period
Hashtag: #CallAFriendDay

29th December

National days information for 29 December

Pepper Pot Day
Hashtag: #PepperPotDay

Tick Tock Day
A day to encourage us to finish off those tasks on our to do list before the end of the year
Hashtag: #TickTockDay

30th December

National days information for 30 December

Bicarbonate Of Soda Day
Hashtag: #BicarbonateOfSodaDay

Resolution Planning Day
A day to think about any resolutions you'd like to make on New Years Eve
Hashtag: #ResolutionPlanningDay

31st December

National days information for 31 December

New Years Eve / Hogmanay
Hashtag: #NewYearsEve #Hogmanay

No Interruptions Day
A day to encourage us to ignore the often interruptions in our daily lives
Hashtag: #NoInterruptionsDay

Are we missing an entry? Let us know.

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