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National Days

An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.

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1st August

National days information for 01 August

Friendship Day
Hashtag: #FriendshipDay

Yorkshire Day
Celebrate all things Yorkshire when the UK's largest county comes together to indulge in vast quantities of regional pride
Hashtag: #YorkshireDay
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Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Hashtag: #RaspberryCreamPieDay

Scout Scarf Day
Celebrating the Scout movement with all members wearing their scarf/knecker
Hashtag: #ScoutScarfDay, #SkillsForLife
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World Wide Web Day
What would we do without the World Wide Web?
Hashtag: #WorldWideWebDay

Lung Cancer Day
Commemorating, celebrating and supporting those impacted by lung cancer
Hashtag: #WorldLungCancerDay #NeedToScreen

Beer Day
Celebrating those responsible for brewing and serving beer
Hashtag: #InternationalBeerDay
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2nd August

National days information for 02 August

Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Hashtag: #IceCreamSandwichDay

Colouring Book Day
Spend some time colouring with your friends, children or grandchildren or by yourself
Hashtag: #ColouringBookDay
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Hangover Day
The day after International Beer Day, what are your top tips on getting back to feeling normal?
Hashtag: #InternationalHangoverDay

3rd August

National days information for 03 August

Watermelon Day
Hashtag: #WatermelonDay

Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day
Raising awareness, support, and funds for CLOVES Syndrome
Hashtag: #ClovesSyndromeAwarenessDay
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Forgiveness Day
Spreading peace and forgiveness
Hashtag: #InternationalForgivenessDay

4th August

National days information for 04 August

White Wine Day
Celebrating all types of white wine
Hashtag: #WhiteWineDay
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5th August

National days information for 05 August

Mustard Day
Hashtag: #MustardDay

Dash Cam Day
Raising awareness about various road safety precautions
Hashtag: #DashCamDay

6th August

National days information for 06 August

Wiggle Your Toes Day
Hashtag: #WiggleYourToesDay

Psychic Day
Did you see that coming?
Hashtag: #PsychicDay

Fresh Breath Day
Promoting oral health and hygiene
Hashtag: #FreshBreathDay

7th August

National days information for 07 August

Sea Serpent Day
Hashtag: #SeaSerpentDay

Cycle To Work Day
Promoting the benefits of cycling
Hashtag: #CycleToWorkDay
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8th August

National days information for 08 August

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbour's Porch Night
Hashtag: #SneakSomeZucchiniOntoYourNeighboursPorchNight

Happiness Happens Day
Encouraging us all to be happy
Hashtag: #HappinessHappensDay
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Cat Day
Raising awareness for cats and learning about ways to help and protect them
Hashtag: #InternationalCatDay
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9th August

National days information for 09 August

Polka Festival
Hashtag: #Polka Festival

Bowling Day
Celebrating this sport on the second Saturday in August each year
Hashtag: #BowlingDay

Book Lovers' Day
Celebrate reading and literature
Hashtag: #BookLoversDay
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Rice Pudding Day
Celebrating this great pudding
Hashtag: #RicePuddingDay

Vlogging Day
What's your favourite channel to watch?
Hashtag: #VloggingDay

10th August

National days information for 10 August

Lazy Day
Hashtag: #LazyDay

Melon Day
Melon Day is an annual national holiday in Turkmenistan devoted to festivities to celebrate the country's muskmelon
Hashtag: #MelonDay
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Spoil Your Dog Day
A day to celebrate with your dog
Hashtag: #SpoilYourDogDay

11th August

National days information for 11 August

Presidential Joke Day
Hashtag: #PresidentialJokeDay

Son and Daughter Day
Bringing parents and their children together for quality time
Hashtag: #SonAndDaughterDay

Bakewell Tart Day
Celebrating this great cake
Hashtag: #BakewellTartDay

12th August

National days information for 12 August

Middle Child Day
Honouring middle children, who could often feel like their position has presented some challenges
Hashtag: #MiddleChildDay
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Youth Day
Youth can be a positive force for development when provided with the knowledge and opportunities they need to thrive. Half of the people on our planet are 30 or younger, and this is expected to reach 57% by the end of 2030.
Hashtag: #InternationalYouthDay
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Elephant Day
Bringing the world together to help elephants
Hashtag: #WorldElephantDay
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Vinyl Record Day
Celebrating this classic music format
Hashtag: #VinylRecordDay

13th August

National days information for 13 August

Blame Someone Else Day
Hashtag: #BlameSomeoneElseDay

Left Handers Day
Celebrating being left-handed and also raising awareness of the everyday issues that lefties face in a world designed for right-handers
Hashtag: #LeftHandersDay
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Filet Mignon Day
Celebrating this great steak
Hashtag: #FiletMignonDay
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Prosecco Day
Enjoy a glass to celebrate this day
Hashtag: #ProseccoDay

14th August

National days information for 14 August

Creamsicle Day
Hashtag: #CreamsicleDay

Falklands Day
Celebrating of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by John Davis in 1592
Hashtag: #FalklandsDay
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Tattoo Removal Day
Raising awareness to the laser tattoo removal industry and supporting individuals interested in removing their unwanted ink
Hashtag: #TattooRemovalDay
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15th August

National days information for 15 August

Failures Day
Hashtag: #FailuresDay

Relaxation Day
Take time to relax today
Hashtag: #RelaxationDay #NationalRelaxationDay
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Back to School Prep Day
Marking the start of the last minute panic to make sure everything is ready for September
Hashtag: #BackToSchoolPrepDay

16th August

National days information for 16 August

Bratwurst Festival
Hashtag: #BratwurstFestival

Lighthouse Heritage Weekend
Raising the profile of lighthouses, lightvessels and other navigational aids, promoting our maritime heritage
Hashtag: #LighthouseDay #LoveALighthouse #HugALighthouse
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Rollercoaster Day
What is your favourite rollercoaster?
Hashtag: #RollercoasterDay

Homeless Animals’ Day
Raising awareness of the urgent need for affordable companion animal spay/neuter and adoption programs
Hashtag: #InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay
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17th August

National days information for 17 August

Nonprofit Day
Recognising nonprofit organizations' ongoing efforts to serve the local community
Hashtag: #NonprofitDay

Vanilla Custard Day
What do you like to add your custard to?
Hashtag: #VanillaCustardDay
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Charity Shop Day
Celebrating charity shops
Hashtag: #CharityShopDay

18th August

National days information for 18 August

Bad Poetry Day
Hashtag: #BadPoetryDay

Couple's Day
A time for couples to celebrate each other
Hashtag: #CouplesDay

Never Give Up Day
Cultivating a mindset of determination
Hashtag: #NeverGiveUpDay
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Pinot Noir Day
Celebrating this great wine
Hashtag: #PinotNoirDay

Fajita Day
What's your favourite fajita?
Hashtag: #FajitaDay

19th August

National days information for 19 August

Potato Day
Hashtag: #PotatoDay

Aviation Day
Celebrating the development of aviation
Hashtag: #AviationDay
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Humanitarian Day
Celebrating people who help other people
Hashtag: #WorldHumanitarianDay
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Photography Day
Celebrating of the art, craft, science and history of photography
Hashtag: #WorldPhotographyDay
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Orangutan Day
Encouraging people to take action to preserve this critically endangered species
Hashtag: #InternationalOrangutanDay
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20th August

National days information for 20 August

Radio Day
Hashtag: #RadioDay

Bacon Lovers' Day
What's your favourite recipe for bacon?
Hashtag: #BaconLoversDay

Mosquito Day
Commemorating the discovery by British doctor Sir Ronald Ross's in 1897 that female anopheline mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans
Hashtag: #WorldMosquitoDay
More information

Day of Medical Transporters
Honouring ambulance drivers and the important work they do
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfMedicalTransporters

21st August

National days information for 21 August

Spumoni Day
Hashtag: #SpumoniDay

Senior Citizens Day
Increasing awareness of the factors and issues that affect older adults
Hashtag: #SeniorCitizensDay
More information

Burger Day
A day to celebrate burgers, what's your favourite burger?
Hashtag: #BurgerDay

22nd August

National days information for 22 August

Be An Angel Day
Hashtag: #BeAnAngelDay

Plant Milk Day
Challenging us to switch to non-cows milk for 7 days
Hashtag: #WorldPlantMilkDay
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Eat A Peach Day
Hashtag: #EatAPeachDay

23rd August

National days information for 23 August

Spongecake Day
Hashtag: #SpongecakeDay

Cheap Flight Day
Hashtag: #CheapFlightDay

24th August

National days information for 24 August

Knife Day
Hashtag: #KnifeDay

Pluto Demoted Day
Marking the day in 2006 when Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a plutoid
Hashtag: #PlutoDemotedDay
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25th August

National days information for 25 August

Kiss-And-Make-Up Day
Hashtag: #KissAndMakeUpDay

Nottinghamshire Day
Hashtag: #NottsDay
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Whiskey Sour Day
Hashtag: #WhiskeySourDay

Banana Split Day
Celebrating this great dessert
Hashtag: #BananaSplitDay

26th August

National days information for 26 August

Cherry Popsicle Day
Hashtag: #CherryPopsicleDay

Toilet Paper Day
Hashtag: #ToiletPaperDay

27th August

National days information for 27 August

Petroleum Day
Hashtag: #PetroleumDay

Just Because Day
Why not?
Hashtag: #JustBecauseDay

La Tomatina
La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain
Hashtag: #LaTomatina
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28th August

National days information for 28 August

Sauntering Day
Hashtag: #WorldSaunteringDay

29th August

National days information for 29 August

More Herbs, Less Salt Day
Hashtag: #MoreHerbsLessSaltDay

Lemon Juice Day
Hashtag: #LemonJuiceDay

Day Against Nuclear Tests
Increasing awareness about the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions and the need for their cessation as one of the means of achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world
Hashtag: #InternationalDayAgainstNuclearTests
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30th August

National days information for 30 August

Toasted Marshmallow Day
Hashtag: #ToastedMarshmallowDay #Smores

Beach Day
Encouraging us to enjoy and take care of our beaches
Hashtag: #BeachDay

31st August

National days information for 31 August

Trail Mix Day
Hashtag: #TrailMixDay

Zoo Day
Celebrating Zoos, which one is your favourite to visit?
Hashtag: #ZooDay

Overdose Awareness Day
A campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died from overdose, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind
Hashtag: #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay
More information

Distance Learning Day
Celebrating the concept of remote learning
Hashtag: #World Distance Learning Day

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