An easy way to fill content on a radio show is to get inspiration from the various national days that take place throughout the year, whether it be for entertainment or news.
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One Cent Day
Hashtag: #OneCentDay
April Fools' Day
A traditional day for practical jokes
Hashtag: #AprilFoolsDay
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Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Hashtag: #PeanutButterAndJellyDay
Autism Awareness Day
Increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism
Hashtag: #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
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Children's Book Day
Inspiring a love of reading and to call attention to children's books
Hashtag: #InternationalChildrensBookDay #ChildrensBookDay
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Fact-Checking Day
Calling for more truth in public health, journalism and everyday life
Hashtag: #FactCheckingDay #FactCheckingIsEssential
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Tweed Day
Hashtag: #TweedDay
Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day
Hashtag: #DontGoToWorkUnlessItsFunDay
Tell-A-Lie Day
Hashtag: #TellALieDay
World Rat Day
Hashtag: #WorldRatDay #RatDay
Carrot Day
Hashtag: #InternationalCarrotDay #CarrotDay
Mine Awareness Day
Raising awareness to areas of the world that remain contaminated after many years, and where generations have changed their lives to avoid the threat
Hashtag: #InternationalMineAwarenessDay #MineAwarenessDay
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Walk To Work Day (2025 date)
Hashtag: #WalkToWorkDay
Go For Broke Day
Hashtag: #GoForBrokeDay
Raisin and Spice Bar Day
Hashtag: #RaisinAndSpiceBarDay
First Contact Day
Celebrating all things Star Trek
Hashtag: #FirstContactDay
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Sorry Charlie Day
Hashtag: #SorryCharlieDay
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Hashtag: #PlanYourEpitaphDay
Tartan Day
Celebrating Scottish heritage on the date that the Declaration of Arbroath was signed in 1320
Hashtag: #TartanDay
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International Day For Sport For Development And Peace
Recognising the positive role sport and physical activity play in communities and in people’s lives across the globe
Hashtag: #InternationalDayForSportForDevelopmentAndPeace
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Pillow Fight Day
Hashtag: #InternationalPillowFightDay #PillowFightDay
No Housework Day
Hashtag: #NoHouseworkDay
Health Day
Raising awareness to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world
Hashtag: #WorldHealthDay
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Beaver Day
Hashtag: #InternationalBeaverDay #BeaverDay
All Is Ours Day
Hashtag: #AllIsOursDay
Draw A Bird Day
Encouraging us to share pictures of birds
Hashtag: #DrawABirdDay
Zoo Lovers Day
Hashtag: #ZooLoversDay
Winston Churchill Day
Hashtag: #WinstonChurchillDay
Name Yourself Day
Hashtag: #NameYourselfDay
Unicorn Day
Celebrating this mythical creature
Hashtag: #UnicornDay
Golfers Day
Hashtag: #GolfersDay
World Homeopathy Day
Commemorating the birth anniversary of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy
Hashtag: #WorldHomeopathyDay #HomeopathyDay
Siblings Day
A chance to celebrate our siblings
Hashtag: #SiblingsDay
Day Of Pink
Raising awareness and fighting against bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny across the world
Hashtag: #DayOfPink
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Eight-Track Tape Day
Hashtag: #EightTrackTapeDay
Pet Day
A day to celebrate our pets
Hashtag: #PetDay
World Parkinson's Day
Raising awareness of Parkinson's
Hashtag: #WorldParkinsonsDay #ParkinsonsDay
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Day Of Silence (2025 date)
Raising awareness about the effects of the bullying and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) students
Hashtag: #DayOfSilence
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Look Up At The Sky Day
Hashtag: #LookUpAtTheSkyDay
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Hashtag: #GrilledCheeseSandwichDay
International Day Of Human Space Flight
Celebrating the beginning of the space era for mankind, reaffirming the important contribution of space science and technology in achieving sustainable development goals
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfHumanSpaceFlight
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Blame Somebody Else Day
Hashtag: #BlameSomebodyElseDay
Palm Sunday (2025 date)
A Christian feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter, commemorating Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Hashtag: #PalmSunday
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Scrabble Day
Celebrating this great game
Hashtag: #ScrabbleDay #NationalScrabbleDay
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Plant Appreciation Day
Hashtag: #PlantAppreciationDay #InternationalPlantAppreciationDay
Marking the first day of the month of Vaisakh and is seen as a spring harvest celebration primarily in Punjab and Northern India
Hashtag: #Vaisakhi
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Pecan Day
Hashtag: #PecanDay
Dolphin Day
Hashtag: #DolphinDay
Moment Of Laughter Day
Encouraging us to look on the lighter side of life
Hashtag: #International Moment Of Laughter Day
Gardening Day
Hashtag: #GardeningDay
Rubber Eraser Day
Hashtag: #RubberEraserDay
Art Day
Promoting the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art
Hashtag: #ArtDay #WorldArtDay
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Anime Day
Celebrating the history of anime and bringing people together to enjoy their favourite anime shows and characters
Hashtag: #AnimeDay
Orkney Day
Hashtag: #OrkneyDay
Eggs Benedict Day
Hashtag: #EggsBenedictDay
Voice Day
Celebrating of the phenomenon of voice
Hashtag: #VoiceDay #WorldVoiceDay
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Cheeseball Day
Hashtag: #CheeseballDay
World Hemophilia Day
Hashtag: #WorldHemophiliaDay #LightItUpRed #WHD2023
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Bat Appreciation Day
Hashtag: #BatAppreciationDay
Haiku Poetry Day
Hashtag: #HaikuPoetryDay
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International Jugglers Day
Hashtag: #InternationalJugglersDay
Good Friday (2025 date)
A Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary
Hashtag: #GoodFriday
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World Heritage Day
Raising awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage of humanity, their vulnerability and the efforts required for their protection and conservation
Hashtag: #HeritageDay #WorldHeritageDay
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Amateur Radio Day
A chance for enthusiasts to show their capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other amateurs worldwide
Hashtag: #AmateurRadioDay #WorldAmateurRadioDay
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Garlic Day
Hashtag: #GarlicDay
Primrose Day
Marking the anniversary of the death of the British statesman and prime minister Benjamin Disraeli
Hashtag: #PrimroseDay
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Amaretto Day
Hashtag: #AmarettoDay
Look Alike Day
Hashtag: #LookAlikeDay
Orphans Day
Raising awareness and providing a common platform for orphans and underprivileged children-related activities all over the world
Hashtag: #WorldOrphansDay
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Easter Sunday (2025 date)
A Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
Hashtag: #EasterSunday #Easter
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Chinese Language Day
Hashtag: #ChineseLanguageDay
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Record Store Day
Celebrating the UK's independent record shops
Hashtag: #RecordStoreDay
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Kindergarten Day
Hashtag: #KindergartenDay
Tea Drinkers Day
Celebrate the drinking of tea
Hashtag: #TeaDrinkersDay #TeaDay #NationalTeaDay
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Creativity And Innovation Day
Embracing the idea that innovation is essential for harnessing the economic potential of nations
Hashtag: #WorldCreativityAndInnovationDay
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Jelly Bean Day
Hashtag: #JellyBeanDay
Mother Earth Day
A call to shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet
Hashtag: #InternationalMotherEarthDay
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Stephen Lawrence Day
Commemorating Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racially motivated attack in 1993
Hashtag: #StephenLawrenceDay
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Read Me Day
Hashtag: #ReadMeDay
St George's Day
Saint George's Day is the feast day of Saint George, celebrated by Christian churches, countries, and cities of which he is the patron saint, including Bulgaria, England, Georgia, Portugal, Romania, Cáceres, Alcoy, Aragon and Catalonia
Hashtag: #StGeorgesDay
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Laboratory Animal Day
Hashtag: #WorldLaboratoryAnimalDay
English Language Day
To celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the UN
Hashtag: #EnglishLanguageDay
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Asparagus Day
Celebrating the six week asparagus season
Hashtag: #AsparagusDay
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Shakespeare Day
Celebrating the works of Shakespeare
Hashtag: #ShakespeareDay
Pigs In A Blanket Day
Hashtag: #PigsInABlanketDay
On Your Feet Britain (2025 date)
Encouraging office workers to become more active.
Hashtag: #OnYourFeetBritain #SitLess #MoveMore #BigWiggle
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Day Of Multilateralism And Diplomacy For Peace
Addressing the root causes of conflict and instability, and promote democratic values and inclusive societies across the globe
Hashtag: #InternationalDayOfMultilateralismAndDiplomacyForPeace
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Zucchini Bread Day
Hashtag: #ZucchiniBreadDay
Huntingdonshire Day
Celebrating all things from Huntingdonshire on the date of Oliver Cromwell’s birth in 1599
Hashtag: #HuntingdonshireDay
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Penguin Day
Hashtag: #WorldPenguinDay #Penguins
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Malaria Day
Highlighting the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control
Hashtag: #MalariaDay #WorldMalariaDay
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Football Shirt Friday (2025 date)
Wear your favourite football shirt and raise funds for life-saving bowel cancer research through the Bobby Moore Fund
Hashtag: #FootballShirtFriday #GetYourKitOn
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Richter Scale Day
Hashtag: #RichterScaleDay
Pretzel Day
Hashtag: #PretzelDay
Stop Food Waste Day
Championing ways to minimize food waste
Hashtag: #StopFoodWasteDay
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Vet Day (2025 date)
Hashtag: #WorldVetDay
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Lesbian Visibility Day
Recognises and celebrates the contributions of lesbians
Hashtag: #LesbianVisibilityDay
Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day
In memory of Chernobyl disaster
Hashtag: #ChernobylDisasterRemembranceDay #InternationalChernobylDisasterRemembranceDay
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Sculpture Day (2025 date)
Annual celebration of sculptures
Hashtag: #SculptureDay #ISDay #InternationalSculptureDay
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Tell A Story Day
Hashtag: #TellAStoryDay
Morse Code Day
Celebrating the code created by Samuel Morse, who was born on 27th April 1791
Hashtag: #MorseCodeDay
Great Poetry Reading Day
Hashtag: #GreatPoetryReadingDay
Kiss-Your-Mate Day
Hashtag: #KissYourMateDay
Save The Frogs Day
A day of amphibian education and conservation action
Hashtag: #SaveTheFrogsDay
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Day For Safety And Health At Work
Promoting the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally
Hashtag: #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork
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Wish Day
Asking communities to come together and raise enough money to fund every wish on the wish map
Hashtag: #WorldWishDay
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Dance Day
Celebrating dance on the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre who is considered to be the father or creator of modern ballet
Hashtag: ##DanceDay InternationalDanceDay
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Honesty Day
Hashtag: #HonestyDay
Jazz Day
Hashtag: #JazzDay
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